
Adds Demo Full stack with Websockets, Auth, FastAPI HTTP server & Basic MUI based FE

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Services Running

  1. Server > handles python backend(FASTAPI).
  2. Web is the web application
  3. chat-service is a websocket server that can be used for chats
  4. Postgres for data saving
  5. Redis as cache

SPIN UP Postgres and Redis

  1. cd server
  2. docker-compose --file docker-compose.yaml up --remove-orphans --force-recreate
  3. For migrations > cd server/schema
  4. Alembic Readme!

Run everything together

  1. Have conda installed & create conda env
  2. cd server
  3. pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt
  4. cd ..
  5. make run

Stop everthing

  1. cmd + c & return (in terminal)

Services Port

  1. Server runs on 8000
  2. Web runs on 5173
  3. Chat service runs on 3000
  4. Redis runs on 6379
  5. Postgres runs on 5432