
Tokenize English sentences using neural networks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Neural Tokenizer


  • numpy >= 1.11.1
  • sugartensor >= (Check this repository for installing sugartensor)
  • nltk >= 3.2.1 (You need to download brown corpus)
  • gensim >= 0.13.1 (For creating word2vec models)

Research Topic

Can we segment untokenized English sentences correctly using neural networks?


  • In many cases, tokenization is the first step in text processing.
  • In some languages such as Chinese, Japanese, or Vietnamese, tokenization is non-trivial.
  • For English, generally speaking, tokenization is not as important as those languages, but
  • Tokenization can be needed in mobile environments as people often neglect it.
  • And English is a good language to test before we attack other challenging languages.
  • CRFs are known to be good at tokenization.
  • Neural networks, concretely RNN, can be an alternative to CRFs.

Main Idea

We use bidirectional GRU layers with layer normalization as tokenization of a certain time step is dependent on its future as well as its past. Layer normalization is applied to boost the performance.


We use the brown corpus which can be obtained from nltk. It is not big enough, but publicly available. Besides, we don't have to clean it.


After having seen 11,537 samples for 5 epochs, we got .93 of the tokenization accuracy.
Here are some snippets of the test results.

▌Expected: The aimless milling about of what had been a well-trained , well-organized crew struck Alexander with horror .
▌Got: The aim less milling about of what had been awell-trained , well -or ganized crews truck Alex ander with horror .

▌Expected: Adrien Deslonde hastened to Alexander's side .
▌Got: Adrien De slond ehas tened to Alexander 's side .

▌Expected: Small violently jerked the weather-royal brace with full intention to carry away the mast .
▌Got: Small violently jerked the weat her -roy albracewith full intentionto carry away the mast.

▌Expected: I saw him myself and it was done after consultation with Cromwell .
▌Got: I saw him my self and it was done after consultation with Cromwell .

▌Expected: I swear it , sir '' .
▌Got: I swearit, sir '' .

▌Expected: Then , with disappointment evident upon their faces , they moved to the work .
▌Got: The n , with disappoin tment evidentupon the ir faces , they moved to the work .

▌Expected: Wilson , shackled and snarling , was thrown with the other prisoners and was soon joined by Green , McKee and McKinley .
▌Got: Wilson , shackled and snarling , was thrown with the otherprisoners and was soon joined by Green , McKeeand McKinley .

▌Expected: Not a man on the brig , loyal or villainous , could be unaffected by the sight of seven men involved in the crime of mutiny .
▌Got: Nota man on the brig, loy alor villain ous , could be unaffected by the sight of seven meninvolved in the crimeof mutiny .

▌Expected: In the tiny cabin , Alexander met with Gansevoort , Heiser and Wales to speak and to listen .
▌Got: I n the tiny cabin, Alex andermetwith Gansev oor t, Heiser and Wales tospeak and to listen .

▌Expected: Three days had passed since Spencer's arrest and each day had brought new dangers , new fears .
▌Got: Three day s had passed since Spence r 's arrest and each day had brought newdangers , newfears .

Final Accuracy = 157670/170148=0.93


Bidirectional RNNs turns out to be effective in English tokenization.

Further Study

  • Of course, we need to compare these results with those of CRFs or others.
  • And for better performance, we need more data.
  • We can apply this idea to other languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, or Thai.