
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

News App Backend

This example demonstrates how to run a service locally, using the serverless-offline plugin. It provides a REST API to manage Todos stored in a DynamoDB, similar to the aws-node-rest-api-with-dynamodb example. A local DynamoDB instance is provided by the serverless-dynamodb-local plugin.


Test your service locally, without having to deploy it first.

Configure Credential


windows(powershell): setx AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <KEY_ID> setx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <ACCESS_KEY>

serverless config credentials --provider aws --key --secret

npm install
serverless dynamodb install
serverless offline start
serverless dynamodb migrate (this imports schema)


npm install
serverless dynamodb install
serverless offline start
serverless dynamodb migrate (this imports schema)

Run service offline

serverless offline start


You can create, retrieve, update, or delete todos with the following commands:


  • Did you use any bootstrap template? A. Yes, I have used serverless framework examples

  • Do we have linting ? A. Yes, Airbnb style guide. Moreover we can have husky And/or sonarqube

  • Do we test setup ? A. yes, using jest

  • why serverless ? A. Matches with the JD and currently working on same. It is cloud agonistic unlike AWS SAM

  • should we keep test files along with code js files or we should create a separate directory structure? A. As per me, unit test should present along with the code file

  • Will you keep database schema and api function in same yml file A. A Big NO, because database will deployed once. So I will keep infrastrcture like dynamodb and DAX in their separate files.

  • should we keep test files along with code js files or we should create a separate directory structure? A. As per me, unit test should present along with the code file and also I will add a folder called test to add postman files and environment for other users and help in creating cypress test cases.

  • What you will do for api testing? A. I will use cypress

Known Issue:

Lint script is not working as expected