
Python based deductive fault simulator

Primary LanguagePython

User Manual: deductive fault simulator

Simulation environment

This code depends on the Python 3.8+ and the MatPlotLib library to generate graphs.

Install python for your operating system from https://www.python.org/downloads/. Ensure that Python is added to path when installing on Windows as shown in the image below.

Check the option to Add to path

Then launch command prompt (Open Start and Search for Command prompt), and install matplotlib by running pip install matplotlib --user

Install matplotlib

Running only output simulator

All commands will be ran in command prompt.

input_vectors.txt file


To only see the outputs for a given input vector which is store in the "input_vectors" file for a circuit names s27.txt in the files folder relative to the deductive.py file, run the following

python deductive.py --cktfile files/s27.txt --ip_vectors input_vectors

Expected output

Good Simulation output 1001
Circuit: files/s27.txt   Input vector: 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Running only output simulator

Running deductive fault simulator for a specific input vector and all faults

To check all faults that a vector can catch for a circuit s27.txt --

The input_vectors.txt file is as below


Run the following command

python deductive.py --cktfile files/s27.txt --ip_vectors input_vectors.txt --allfaults

Expected output

Circuit: files/s27.txt   Input vector: 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
  1 stuck at 0
  3 stuck at 0
  5 stuck at 0
  7 stuck at 0
  9 stuck at 1
 11 stuck at 1
 12 stuck at 0
 13 stuck at 0

Running deductive fault simulation for specific faults

Write the faults in a faultFile.txt like this

1 0
2 1
3 0
4 1
7 0


python deductive.py --cktfile files/s27.txt --ip_vectors input_vectors --faultfile faultFile.txt


Good Simulation output 1001
Circuit: files/s27.txt   Input vector: 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
  1 stuck at 0
  3 stuck at 0
  7 stuck at 0

Running deductive fault simulation for all faults upto coverage 0.91 and get graph

python deductive.py --cktfile files/s349f_2.txt --randomvectors --allfaults --coverage 0.91

