
The repository contains an implementation for Image2Vec and Similarity Search. It uses a pretrained AlexNet with a latent hashing layer to learn bit vectors.

The code is based on this publication made at CVPR in 2015.

Here is a link to my blog for a better understanding of how this process works.


  • Python 3
  • TensorFlow >= 1.8rc0
  • Numpy


To replicate the experiment I performed, you will need to download the CIFAR10 image dataset.

Create a directory called 'data' in the root of this repository.

Download and unzip the CIFAR10 dataset in the data folder.

Make sure the tree of /path/to/project/data/cifar10 looks like:

|-- database.txt
|-- test
|-- test.txt
|-- train
`-- train.txt

In addition, you will also need to download the pretrained AlexNet weights. Ensure they are stored as:


If you would like to use a custom database, you have to create three .txt files (train.txt, test.txt and database.txt). Each of them list the complete path to your train/test/database images together with the class number as a 1-hot vector in the following structure.

Example train.txt:
/path/to/train/image1.png 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/path/to/train/image2.png 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/path/to/train/image3.png 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/path/to/train/image4.png 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Create a sub-directory within data to store these text files as:


You can tweak training parameters by modifying params.json in experiments\


The code saves summaries so you can track the training and validation.

tensorboard --logdir experiments/checkpoint_data

Getting things to run

  1. Get access to a system with a recent version of tensorflow and a GPU. We used the Ubuntu Deep Learning image (v=20) and a g3s.xlarge available on AWS EC2.

    Note, once you login you will need to install Tensorflow by running conda install tensorflow-gpu

  2. Clone the repo and follow the Setup instructions.

  3. You may finetune the model by running python finetune.py. This will display information to indicate finetuning is in progress.

  4. Let it run for a while (I recommend 20k steps). You can watch this process by launnching Tensorboard.

    A. If you are using an Amazon EC2 instance, you will need to create a "tunnel" by running:

    ssh -L -i path/to/your/key ubuntu@public_dns

    B. Launch Tensorboard by running:

    tensorboard --logdir path/to/project/experiments/checkpoint_data

    C. On your local machine, you may browse to localhost:6006 to view the results.

  5. You may stop finetuning with Ctrl-C. This will give you an opportunity to get some precision numbers.

    Run python similarity_search.py

    This will report mAP ( mean average precision ) that is well described here.

  6. You may resume finetuning by running python finetune.py