
Multimedia Search and Recommendation course

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Delft University of Technology Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Multimedia Computing Group - http://mmc.tudelft.nl/

Multimedia Search and Recommendation course (CS4065)

Cynthia C.S. Liem c.c.s.liem@tudelft.nl Alessio Bazzica a.bazzica@tudelft.nl

Setup instructions

Google Colab (cloud infrastructure) setup instructions

Note: It is recommended to use Google Chrome for faster and easier setup

Follow the below steps to help setup the lab infrastructure:

  1. Clone (or Download) the repository on your local system: git clone https://github.com/shashankpr/cs4065.git
  2. Open your Google Drive and create a folder with a name - MMSR_CS4065
  3. Upload the cloned folder from step 1 into MMSR_CS4065
  4. Download the lab1.ipynb notebook from brightspace and upload it into MMSR_CS4065
  5. Open the lab1.ipynb using Colaboratory
  6. Follow the instructions given in the notebook to install dependencies for the lab.

Mac OSX (local infrastructure) setup instructions

  1. Check if Brew is installed in your system: which brew
  2. If brew is present then proceed to the next step, else install brew by following instructions from this link
  3. Install mono: brew install mono
  4. Open Terminal
  5. Clone (or Download) the repository on your local system: git clone https://github.com/shashankpr/cs4065.git
  6. Navigate into the cloned folder: cd cs4065
  7. Install the python requirements for a specific lab exercise: pip install -r lab_requirements/lab<no.>-requirements.txt (Replace "<no.>" with the lab exercise number currently required)
  8. Download the lab's jupyter notebook and place it in the cloned folder.
  9. Run jupyter notebook or jupyter lab to launch the jupyter server locally. The link to access the jupyter server is displayed on the terminal's output.

Ubuntu (Debian-based linux) setup instructions

  1. Install mono using: sudo apt-get install mono
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Clone (or Download) the repository on your local system: git clone https://github.com/shashankpr/cs4065.git
  4. Navigate into the cloned folder: cd cs4065
  5. Install the python requirements for a specific lab exercise: pip install -r lab_requirements/lab<no.>-requirements.txt (Replace "<no.>" with the lab exercise number currently required)
  6. Download the lab's jupyter notebook and place it in the cloned folder.
  7. Run jupyter notebook or jupyter lab to launch the jupyter server locally. The link to access the jupyter server is displayed on the terminal's output.

Windows setup instructions

  1. Download Python2.7 from Anaconda
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Clone (or Download) the repository on your local system: git clone https://github.com/shashankpr/cs4065.git
  4. Navigate into the cloned folder: cd cs4065
  5. Install the python requirements for a specific lab exercise: pip install -r lab_requirements/lab<no.>-requirements.txt (Replace "<no.>" with the lab exercise number currently required)
  6. Download the lab's jupyter notebook and place it in the cloned folder.
  7. Run jupyter notebook or jupyter lab to launch the jupyter server locally. The link to access the jupyter server is displayed on the terminal's output.