
Push helm charts and images used in helm charts to different chart repositories and docker image registries

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Helm Image Mirror

This tool takes a yaml formatted config file as input in which user can specify a list of helm repositories, helm charts and docker registries to copy the helm charts and the images referenced inside the charts to various other helm and docker registries.

Copying helm charts to other helm repositories

Specify all the helm repositories including both the source and target repositories under the repos section.

Specify the charts to be copied under charts section. Under the charts section, a list of target helm repositories can be specified under push field to which the chart or specific chart versions should be copied.

Copying images referenced in the helm chart to other docker registries

Specify the helm repositories from which the charts must be downloaded under repos section.

Specify the charts from which the images must be deduced under charts section.

Specify the list of docker registries to which the images referenced in the charts must be copied to under registries section.

Sample configuration file

# repos contains helm repositories to be added
  # (optional) global username to be used for all repos
  # (optional) global password to be used for all repos
  - name: my_helm_repo
    remote: https://mydomain.com/my_helm_repo
    # (optional) override global username for this repo
    # (optional) override global password for this repo

# charts from which the images must be parsed
  - repo: stable
    # name of the chart
    name: redis
    # (optional) overrides global fetch setting
    # from remote repository
    fetch: true
    # (optional) push specifies the list of target helm repositories to which
    # the chart should be pushed
      - my_helm_repo
    # (optional) Any custom scripts that should be run before running
    # any other action for this chart. The scripts would be run for 
    # each chart version
      - custom-hook1.sh arg1 arg2
      # When no arguments are provided repo-name, chart-name and version 
      # are passed as positional arguments by default
      - custom-hook2.sh
    # (optional) values to be passed to chart before rendering the templates
    # can be used for charts that have mandatorily required values
      # (optional) values to be passed to `--set` flag
      # (optional) values to be passed to `--set-string` flag
      - version: 3.0.0
        # (optional) override fetch setting for version
        fetch: true
        # (optional) local_dir specifies the local directory in which the
        # chart tgz exists if fetch is set to false
        # (optional) overrides push specified at chart level for the
        # current chart version
          - my_helm_repo
        # (optional) override values specified at chart level for current 
        # chart version
          # (optional) values to be passed to `--set` flag
          # (optional) values to be passed to `--set-string` flag

# registries specifies the docker registries to which the images must be pushed
  - name: hub.docker.com
    # (optional) the local tagged images will be retained if true else deleted after
    # pushing the image to the registty
    retain: false
    # (optional) images will not be pushed to the registry if set to false
    push: true

# init_scripts specifies any initilization scripts that must be run before starting the
# program. This can be used to enhance the functionality that is not available natively.
  - init.sh

# Global settings

# (optional) fetch specifies the global fetch policy for all charts.
# defauls to true if not specified. If fetch is set to false, local_dir
# setting must be set to specify the local directory in which the charts exists
fetch: true

# (optional) push specifies the global push policy for all regitries.
# defaults to true if not specified. If push is set to false, images
# will not be pushed to specified registries
push: true

# (optional) retain specifies the global retain policy for all images
# defaults to false if not specified. if retain is set to false, images
# that are downloaded and retagged are deleted after pushing them
# to the specified registries
retain: false


Following script can be fetched and executed to install helm_image_mirror. It is a simple two-liner which executes the docker image shashankv/helm_image_mirror:v1.0.0-beta. Feel free to edit the script as required.

# Download the script
$ curl -fsSL -o helm_image_mirror.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shashankv02/helm-image-mirror/main/helm_image_mirror.sh

# Add execute permissions
$ chmod +x helm_image_mirror.sh

# Copy the script to location in your $PATH
$ mv helm_image_mirror.sh /usr/local/bin/helm_image_mirror

How to use

Step 1:

Create the configuration file. See sample-config.yaml

Step 2:

helm_image_mirror -c config.yaml (Replace config.yaml with your config file)

How to contribute

  1. Fork this repo

  2. Make changes in the forked copy

  3. Submit a pull request

How to build

make build will trigger the build and generate the docker image make run CONFIG=sample-config.yaml will run the built version with docker


Run with -d option for debug logs