
This repository is a usb camera package, based of V4L devices

Primary LanguageC++


This repository is a usb camera package, based of V4L devices specifically.

To execute this package follow the following commands

  1. In the source directory of your catkin workspace, glone the repository by using the following command

    git clone https://github.com/shashankvkt/usb_cam.git

2.build the package by the following command


3.source your bash file by the following command

source devel/setup.bash

4.For a monocular camera, use the following command to run the launch file

roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch

5.In case of stereo camera, use the following command

roslaunch usb_cam stereo_cam-test.launch

6.To obtain a rectified image from the raw image, use the image_proc node by the following command

ROS_NAMESPACE:=<camera_namespace> rosrun image_proc image_proc

ROS_NAMESPACE:=<camera_namespace> stereo_image_proc stereo_image_proc