
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ubuntu RDP

This is just for Testing and Deployment of Applications, and Debugging Purpose. I do not encourage to misuse of Github Actions! I am not respossible if your account gets banned!

Original Reposity: Ubuntu-Grdp Credits: Area69Lab

Things Required

  1. Github account
  2. Google account
  3. Brain!


  1. Fork this repo to your github account

fork github

  1. Go to https://remotedesktop.google.com/headless and press begin

fork github

(Optional step : You can download the Chrome remote desktop or chrome extension to use it in as a application in your system or browser alternatively you can use the rdp on any broswer too!)

  1. Press next and click on Authorize .

fork github

fork github

  1. Continue with your Google account and grant the premissions.

fork github

  1. Now you will end on the final page **Copy the code of Ubuntu ** [Tested Ubuntu ].

fork github

  1. Goto your Github account and open the repository which you forked , ( That is your username/ubunturdp)

  2. Now click on actions and under all work flows select ubunturdp

fork github

Important step

  1. Click Run workflow and paste the copied code earlier to paste your code here box and click Run Workflow

fork github

  1. Wait for a while (will take minimum 5mins and avg 10mins).

  1. Go to https://remotedesktop.google.com/access/ to access your RDP. Pin is 123456

fork github

  1. Your RDP on browser is ready !

Default PIN is 123456

Dont forget to star the repo and follow me ! Thank you