
Examples to demonstrate workflows using temporal

Primary LanguageGo

Getting Started

  • Run Temporal server on Terminal 1

    temporal server start-dev
  • Run temporal workflows implemented in this project on Terminal 2

    go test -v ./workflows --run Test_Workflow1

Note:- For temporal installation check https://docs.temporal.io/kb/all-the-ways-to-run-a-cluster

Unit Tests

go test -v ./workflows --run Test1


  • workflows/mock_api_server.go: Implements a mock API server having the following end points

    • live_hooks
    • media_stream_to_abr_converter
  • workflows/workflow.go: Implements a temporal workflow called CasWorkflow. CasWorkflow creates a DAG of activities and executes them. Each activity is essentially a POST call to mock server to create resource instances. Also implements CleanupActivity which is executed when workflow is cancelled or times out to cleanup all resources created by the workflow.

  • workflows/testdata/eg_workflow.yaml: A sample declaration of workflow. The dependency of media_stream_to_abr_converter on live_hooks is declared here as value_expressions in the yaml file. The values_expressions are somewhat similar to go template variables. The values of these variables are evaluated at runtime by the workflow.

  • workflows/workflow_test.go: Implements test cases running workflows. A temporal worker is a goroutine waiting on queue to process workflow tasks. The test cases start a temporal worker and then start a workflow. The test cases then wait for workflow to complete.