Upgrading Spring Boot 2.0 Talk


This project acts as a simple introduction to Spring Boot 2.0. The project provides two REST APIs, /cities and /city/{name}, that return data from a MongoDB database.

In its final incarnation, this project is a fully non-blocking reactive WebFlux application. Initially, however, it’s a blocking Spring Boot 1.5 Spring MVC application.

To view earlier versions of the application, look at the git history. The rest of this README will be organized by commits.

Initial Version

Initial Application

The initial commit provides the first incarnation of the project. It’s a simple Spring Boot 1.5 application with the following starter dependencies:

  • spring-boot-starter-web

  • spring-boot-starter-actuator

  • spring-boot-starter-security

  • spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb

There’s also some test dependencies and a dependency for embedded Mongo support.

We specifically chose MongoDB because it has a reactive driver. A traditional relational DB using Hibernate would not migrate as well to WebFlux.

Scanning the code we can see the following classes:

  • CityApplication - Our main application entry point.

  • City & CityRepository - Domain concerns.

  • CityController - A simple Spring MVC @Controller that serves the REST API.

  • DataImportConfiguration - A @Configuration to load some sample data.

Most of these classes are fairly self explanatory. The only slightly unusual one is DataImportConfiguration. This class loads a YAML file and uses it to create elements to insert into the database. It’s not that typical to see code like this, but it’ll help to demonstrate migration to the new Binder API later.

Run the Application

If we run this application we can hit some URLs:

The /cities path provides cities in the USA:

    "name": "San Francisco",
    "country": "USA"
    "name": "Chicago",
    "country": "USA"
    "name": "New York",
    "country": "USA"
    "name": "Seattle",
    "country": "USA"
    "name": "Las Vegas",
    "country": "USA"

The /city/{name} path provides a single city (for example "Chicago"):

  "name": "Chicago",
  "country": "USA"

If we want to look at some actuator endpoints we’ll need to log in. The credentials are user/magic since we have the following in our application.properties


The /info endpoint is a good one to provide a basic check. Also look at /env since we’ll see the JSON change in 2.0.

Now that we’ve seen the 1.5 application, let’s upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0

Migration to Spring Boot 2.0

Upgrade POM file to Spring Boot 2.0

To upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0 we need to change the Spring Boot starter parent to 2.0. This change updates Spring Boot, all third-party dependencies, and build plugins.

Although the Maven upgrade is fine, some API changes mean that our code no longer compiles.

Fix Binder

The RelaxedDataBinder class we used to load the cities.yml file has been removed in Spring Boot 2.0 which means we need to migrate to something else. The new Binder class in Spring Boot 2.0 provides the equivalent functionality. If we were working against the Environment we could get a binder using Binder.get(environment) but since in this case we have our own Properties we need to do the following:

private List<City> bindCities(Properties yaml) {
	MapConfigurationPropertySource source = new MapConfigurationPropertySource(yaml);
	return new Binder(source).bind("cities", Bindable.listOf(City.class)).get();

Some interesting things to note:

  • Binding works against one or more ConfigurationPropertySource. These provide access to values and take care of the relaxed naming rules. There are adapters for Spring Framework’s PropertySource and Java’s Map.

  • The binder takes a single Bindable as an argument.

  • The result is a BindResult. It’s a bit like Java’s Optional, you can get the value or have fallbacks or apply a map function.

The new Binder is more flexible in how it creates objects. In the future we plan to support Kotlin data types and pure Java interfaces.

Run the Application

At this point the application compiles and runs again but something interesting happens. We now need to login to use any URL. What’s more, we have a generated password rather than the word “magic” that we previously used.

If you have an IDE with Spring Boot support, open application.properties and you’ll see that our security properties have an error.

Add Properties Migrator

Since we only have a single property we could fix it pretty easily. If your project has lots of properties, or if you don’t use an IDE with Spring Boot support you might want to use the “properties migrator”.

With the following additional dependency added, we can run the application again:


Run the Application

This time when we start the application we be able to login using “magic” as the password again. The security.user.password property has been automatically migrated to spring.security.user.password.

You’ll also see the following logged warning:

The use of configuration keys that have been renamed was found in the environment:

Property source 'applicationConfig: [classpath:/application.properties]':
	Key: security.user.password
		Line: 6
		Replacement: spring.security.user.password
The logged output includes the line and column number. This is printed from new Spring Boot 2.0 type called Origin.

Fix the Properties

The property migrator only provides a temporary fix, we should fix the real issue. Since the source properties file along with the line number are logged, it’s pretty easy to find and change the name.

Remove Properties Migrator

Property migration doesn’t come for free. There’s a small performance penalty for using it so we should remove it when all the underlying issues are fixed.

Configure Security

Spring Boot 2.0 has very minimal security auto-configuration. When our application was using Spring Boot 1.5, only the actuator paths required authorization. Now we’ve upgrade, auto-configuration is applied in the same way as if @EnableWebSecurity were used.

If we want to secure just the actuator endpoints we’ll need to define our own WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. It’s generally good practice to keep the number of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapters to a minimum (ideally just one). We can use the new EndpointRequest and PathRequest helper if we want to match specific Spring Boot paths.

Here’s our new configuration:

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


This configuration is saying:

  • Any request to any actuator endpoint must be authenticated.

  • Any other request is permitted.

  • Form based login should be used when possible.

  • HTTP basic login is also supported.

Run the Application

If we run the application now we should be able to hit the /cities and /city/{name} paths without logging in.

If we try the info actuator URL that worked in 1.5.x we’ll see /info no longer works and we get a 404. This is because all actuator endpoints are now grouped together under /actuator. Use /actuator/info instead.

You can configure the root actuator path or remove it entirely if you wish.

If you look at /actuator you’ll see a HAL structure providing links to all exposed endpoints. This works even if spring-hateoas isn’t on the classpath. Notice that we’re missing quite a few. Try /actuator/env for example, and you’ll see it’s really not there.

Expose Actuator Endpoints

In Spring Boot 2.0 it’s much harder to accidentally expose actuator endpoints on the web. Only /info and /health are exposed by default.

To expose a specific set of endpoints to the web you need to use the management.endpoints.web.exposure property. You can define both include and exclude patterns. Since this is a demo, we’ll just expose everything:


Run the Application

If we run the application again we can now access /actuator/env and get the following:

  "activeProfiles": [],
  "propertySources": [
      "name": "applicationConfig: [classpath:/application.properties]",
      "properties": {
        "info.app.name": {
          "value": "Spring Boot Cities",
          "origin": "class path resource [application.properties]:1:15"

The format of the JSON has changed since 1.5. We now present properties per property source. We also use the Origin if available to show where the property was loaded from. The format for a particular key has been improved as well, /actuator/env/info.app.name returns the following:

  "property": {
    "source": "applicationConfig: [classpath:/application.properties]",
    "value": "Spring Boot Cities"
  "activeProfiles": [],
  "propertySources": [
      "name": "server.ports"
      "name": "systemProperties"
      "name": "systemEnvironment"
      "name": "random"
      "name": "applicationConfig: [classpath:/application.properties]",
      "property": {
        "value": "Spring Boot Cities",
        "origin": "class path resource [application.properties]:1:15"
      "name": "Management Server"

Migration to Reactive

We’ve now successfully migrated our application from Spring Boot 1.5 to Spring Boot 2.0. We can now continue and convert the application to be a fully non-blocking reactive application.

Before we do that, it’s useful to investigate the existing design by putting breakpoints on CityController.all() and City.getName(…​).

Run the application hit /cities and look at the threads. You should see a fair number of threads created by Tomcat. You should also see that the request is processed from start to finish on the same thread.

Switch to Reactive Mongo Starter

Not all data technologies have reactive versions available yet. For those that do, we’ve added -reactive starter variants. For MongoDB we just need to change the regular starter:


To the reactive version:


Return Flux and Mono from repository

In order to be non-blocking we can no longer return List or City types from our CityRepository. We must immediately return something that can send us data as soon as it’s available, asynchronously. In the reactive streams specification for Java it’s called a Publisher.

Project reactor provides two Publisher implementations:

  • A Mono can be used when there is zero or one result.

  • A Flux can be used when there are many potential results.

To migrate our repository we need to change the following lines:

City getByNameIgnoringCase(String name);
List<City> findAll();

To return reactor types instead:

Mono<City> getByNameIgnoringCase(String name);
Flux<City> findAll();
Flux and Mono offer many methods that can be used to chain operations. For example map, flatMap, window etc.

Migrate Controller to use Mono and Flux

Now that we’ve migrated the CityRepository, we need to fix the CityController. Luckily both Spring MVC and WebFlux support reactive results. We just need to change our controller methods to Mono and Flux. We can also remove the stream() step from all() and just call filter() directly on the Flux.

Our new controller now has methods that look like this:

public Flux<City> all() {
	return this.repository.findAll().filter(this::isInUsa);

public Mono<City> byName(@PathVariable String name) {
	return this.repository.getByNameIgnoringCase(name);

Run the Application

At this point our application compiles again. If we debug it and hit /cities we can again look at the threads. You should see that the request is processed by Tomcat, but this time the breakpoints stop on different threads. We’re leveraging Servlet 3.0 async support, but still using blocking I/O operations.

Switch to WebFlux

Although we have a working application, we’re not really getting the benefit of those reactive types. Spring MVC is doing its best, but we can switch to a completely reactive HTTP server.

We need to change our spring-boot-starter-web starter to the following:


If we run mvn dependency:tree we can see that we’ve now replaced Tomcat with Netty. We also no longer have any javax.servlet types on our classpath. With this, our application is truly asynchronous and non-blocking. You can achieve the same with Tomcat using the spring-boot-starter-tomcat (this will use the Servlet 3.1 non-blocking I/O support).

Fix Spring Security

Removing the servlet APIs has caused our application to break again. The security configuration no longer works because Spring Security’s RequestMatcher type makes use of servlet APIs.

We need to switch our security configuration so that it’s no longer a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. Instead it needs to define a SecurityWebFilterChain bean and use `ServerWebExchangeMatcher`s.

Here’s the new config:

public class SecurityConfiguration {

	public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
		return http

No separate -reactive starter is needed for Spring Security as reactive support is included in the core package.

Run the application

We can now debug the application again and see the difference a fully reactive server makes. This time we’ll see fewer threads are being used to handle traffic.

We can also look at the actuator endpoints again to see that those still work with a fully reactive stack. If you’re interested in how this is achieved look at the EnvironmentEndpoint and EnvironmentEndpointWebExtension classes. The new @Endpoint design also means we can support Jersey without Spring MVC.

Export metrics to Prometheus

Spring Boot 2.0 has switched to micrometer to provide metrics support. In-memory metrics are still supported, for example, look at /actuator/metrics and /actuator/metrics/http.server.requests. These are useful, but the real power of micrometer is that it supports export to lots of different systems.

If we want to add Prometheus support, we just need a single dependency:


Since Prometheus calls us, we also need to update our security configuration:


Finally, lets customize the tags the micrometer uses by adding the following to CitiesApplication:

public MeterRegistryCustomizer<MeterRegistry> commonTags() {
	return (registry) -> registry.config()
			.commonTags("application", "cities");

We can also track percenitle information by adding the following to application.properties

management.metrics.distribution.sla.http.server.requests=1ms, 5ms

Run the Application

You can see the metric data exported to Prometheus by running the application again and hitting /actuator/prometheus. Refresh a few of the endpoints to see the http_server_requests_seconds metrics change. There’s docker images for Prometheus and Grafana in the /micrometer folder if you want to try a complete setup. There’s also a load tester in the micrometer/cities-loadtest folder.


This project has shown the step-by-step changes needed to move a Spring Boot 1.5 blocking MVC application to a fully reactive WebFlux application. Even if you’re not going as far as a full WebFlux application, hopefully we’ve also shown other useful Spring Boot 2.0 features.

For a complete list of changes, check out the Spring Boot 2.0 release notes. If you’re upgrading an existing application, also check out the migration guide.