
Build Alexa Skill using Python on AWS Lambda

Primary LanguagePython


Alexa Skill End-to-End Demo

This repository contains fundamental demo code for an Alexa skill, accompanied by instructions on how to configure and deploy the skill using AWS Lambda. The code highlights the essential Python script functionality of a straightforward Alexa skill that effectively responds to user voice commands. Within the realm of the Alexa Skill Kit, these interactions are referred to as "Intents." In correlation with these Intents, we craft Python scripts on AWS Lambda to orchestrate the desired actions. This design ensures that a particular function specific to each Intent is invoked on AWS Lambda for precise execution.


This Alexa skill demo provides a hands-on example of creating a basic voice-based interaction with Amazon Alexa. The skill responds to predefined voice commands and demonstrates the process of creating an Alexa skill backend using AWS Lambda.


  • Voice Interaction: The skill responds to voice commands spoken by the user.
  • Basic Commands: Predefined voice commands are supported for simple interactions.
  • AWS Lambda: The backend logic of the skill is hosted on AWS Lambda.
  • End-to-End Demo: From setting up the skill on the Alexa Developer Console to deploying the backend, this demo guides you through the entire process.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • An Amazon Developer Account (for creating and configuring the skill)
  • An AWS account (for hosting the backend using AWS Lambda)

Setting up and deploying an Alexa skill using AWS Lambda involves several steps.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this:

There are two parts in this file:

1. Step-by-step guide to building an interaction model for a simple Alexa skill.
2. End to End Demo

1 ===== Step-by-step guide to building an interaction model

Step 1: Log into the Alexa Developer Console(https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/alexa/)

Log in to the Amazon Developer Console using your Amazon account.

Step 2: Create a New Skill

Click the "Create Skill" button to initiate the skill creation process. Choose a name for your skill, select the language, and select a template (if desired).

Step 3: Define Intents

In the "Interaction Model" tab, navigate to "Intents." Click the "Add(+) Intent" button to create a new intent. Name the intent (e.g., "HelloIntent") and provide a sample utterance (e.g., "say hello").

Step 4: Add Sample Utterances

Under the "Sample Utterances" section of the intent, provide variations of how users might invoke the intent. For example: "say hello" "greet me" "give a hello"

Step 5: Define Slot Types (Optional)

If your skill requires specific inputs, define slot types. Go to the "Slot Types" section, create a new slot type, and define possible values.

Step 6: Build and Test Interaction Model

Click the "Build Model" button to compile your interaction model. Use the "Alexa Simulator" or a linked Alexa device to test your sample utterances.

Step 7: Save and Review Model

Once you're satisfied with the interaction model, save your work. Review the entire interaction model to ensure accuracy and coverage of various user inputs.

Step 8: Deploy Interaction Model

Return to the "Build" tab and click the "Deploy" button. Select the skill's deployment stage (development, certification, or production).

Step 9: Test the Interaction Model

Use the "Test" tab to experiment with the interaction model in the simulator or on a physical Alexa device. Ensure your skill understands and responds correctly to various user inputs.

Step 10: Refine and Enhance

Review user feedback and test results to identify areas for improvement. Refine your interaction model by adding more intents, utterances, or enhancing slot types as needed.

*Remember, this is a basic guide to get you started.

* As your skill becomes more complex, you can add advanced features, account linking, and more intricate interaction models. Always refer to the official Alexa Skills Kit documentation for detailed and up-to-date instructions.

2 =========================== End-to-End Demo

Step 1: Create the Alexa Skill on the Developer Console

Log in to the Amazon Developer Console. [here] (https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/alexa/) Click on the "Create Skill" button. Choose a skill name and select the language for your skill. Select a template or start from scratch. Configure the skill's invocation name, which is what users will say to trigger the skill. Define Intents: Create the Intents your skill will handle and define the sample phrases users might use.

Step 2: Create the AWS Lambda Function

Log in to the AWS Management Console. [here] (https://aws.amazon.com/console/) Go to the Lambda service and click "Create Function." Choose "Author from scratch" and provide a name and runtime (Python). Under "Function code," you can either write your code directly or upload a .zip file. Set up a basic execution role or create a new role with permissions to interact with Alexa.

Step 3: Link AWS Lambda to Alexa Skill

Go back to the Alexa Developer Console. In the "Endpoint" section, choose "AWS Lambda ARN." Copy the ARN (Amazon Resource Name) from the Lambda function you created in the AWS Console and paste it here.

Step 4: Configure the Skill

In the Alexa Developer Console, navigate to the "Build" tab. Configure the interaction model by adding intents and sample phrases to the skill. If your skill requires account linking, configure that as well.

Step 5: Test Your Skill

Use the "Test" tab in the Alexa Developer Console to test your skill's interaction model. You can also use the Alexa Simulator or a physical Alexa device linked to your developer account.

Step 6: Certification and Publication

Once you're satisfied with your skill, submit it for certification using the "Certification" tab. Amazon will review your skill to ensure it meets their guidelines. Once approved, you can publish the skill to the Alexa Skill Store.

Step 7: Monitoring and Updates

Monitor your skill's usage and user feedback through the developer console. If needed, update your skill's code, interaction model, or other aspects based on user feedback.

Step 8: Continuous Improvement

Regularly update and enhance your skill to provide better user experiences. Pay attention to user reviews and consider adding new features or improving existing ones.

Keep in mind that these steps provide a general overview, and specific steps might vary based on your skill's complexity and your development environment.

Follow the official documentation provided by Amazon and AWS for detailed instructions.

if you need any help, you can follow me on linkedIn:

https://www.linkedin.com/in/shashi-adev/ Shashi Prabhakar