
Python Code and Dataset for different PUFs

Primary LanguagePython


Python Code and dataset for APUF and its Compositions

Getting Started

Below details will provide you instructions for understaning the directory and get it running on your machine for reproducibility.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

python 2.7
tensorflow 1.5.0 ( CPU )
Keras 2.1.5

Other important packages required in python:

Folder Structure

The CRP dataset has been collected for 64 bit and 128 bit challenges. The Example Folder structure from root directory (Main) is given below.

|-- 128bit
|   |-- 1Million
|   |   |-- 5-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 5-xor_apuf_128.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_4_4
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_4_4_128.py
|   |   |-- all_responses
|   |   |   |-- <indivisual apuf responses>
|   |   |-- dataset
|   |   |   |-- <Parity Vector Challenge files>
|   |-- HalfMillion
|   |   |-- 4-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 5-xor_apuf_128.py
|   |   |-- 3-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 5-xor_apuf_128.py
|   |   |-- 2-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 5-xor_apuf_128.py
|   |   |-- APUF
|   |   |   |-- 5-xor_apuf_128.py
|   |   |-- M-PUF
|   |   |   |-- mpuf_128.py
|   |   |-- CM-PUF
|   |   |   |-- cmpuf_128.py
|   |   |-- RM-PUF
|   |   |   |-- rmpuf_128.py
|   |   |-- LS-PUF
|   |   |   |-- lspuf_3
|   |   |   |   |-- lspuf_3_128.py
|   |   |   |-- lspuf_4
|   |   |   |   |-- lspuf_4_128.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_3_3
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_3_3_128.py
|   |   |-- all_responses
|   |   |   |-- <indivisual apuf responses>
|   |   |-- dataset
|   |   |   |-- <Parity Vector Challenge files>
|-- 64bit
|   |-- 1Million
|   |   |-- 6-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 6-xor_apuf_64.py
|   |   |-- LS-PUF
|   |   |   |-- lspuf_6
|   |   |   |   |-- lspuf_6_64.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_3_3
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_3_3_64.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_4_4
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_4_4_64.py
|   |   |-- all_responses
|   |   |   |-- <indivisual apuf responses>
|   |   |-- dataset
|   |   |   |-- <Parity Vector Challenge files>  
|   |-- HalfMillion
|   |   |-- 2-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 2-xor_apuf_64.py
|   |   |-- 3-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 3-xor_apuf_64.py
|   |   |-- 4-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 4-xor_apuf_64.py
|   |   |-- 5-XOR
|   |   |   |-- 5-xor_apuf_64.py
|   |   |-- LS-PUF
|   |   |   |-- lspuf_3
|   |   |   |   |-- lspuf_3_64.py
|   |   |   |-- lspuf_4
|   |   |   |   |-- lspuf_4_64.py
|   |   |   |-- lspuf_5
|   |   |   |   |-- lspuf_5_64.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_3_3
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_3_3_64.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_3_4
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_3_4_64.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_4_3
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_4_3_64.py
|   |   |-- I-PUF_4_4
|   |   |   |-- ipuf_4_4_64.py
|   |   |-- all_responses
|   |   |   |-- <indivisual apuf responses>
|   |   |-- dataset
|   |   |   |-- <Parity Vector Challenge files>  

Running the tests

For running the tests, go to the respective PUF folder and execute

python <filename>.py


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