Getting Started

#How to install the application

[Windows] gradlew.bat clean build bootRun

[ Linux/MacOS] ./gradlew clean build bootRun

#How to test UI Go to http://localhost:9090 It will show two links: one for User and the other for Flights

#How to run Restful Service

Use postman:

To retrieve all flights:

  • Set the request to GET
  • Set URL to http://localhost:9090/flightrest/findAll

To add/update flight:

  • Set the request to POST
  • Set URL to http://localhost:9090/flightrest/update
  • Go to Body and choose raw and MIME type from text to JSON and enter JSON payload, for example

{ "id": 1, "number": "AF101", "flightDate": "10/25/2019", "fromAirport": "DFW", "toAirport": "HOU" }

  • Keep the same flight number if you want to modify existing flight or it will create a new flight

#How to test SOAP Based Web Services

  • Use the following URL to test in SOAPUI http://localhost:9090/ws/flights.wsdl
  • Use SOAPUI to load the following soapui
  • Example screenshot

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:

Additional Links

These additional references should also help you: