
This is the externship project of the Jumbotail made during Crio Winter of Doing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Team ID: JUMBOCASH-T10 | Team Members: Shaswata Raha & Rahul Lekkala


Frontend and Backend code are in separate folders named as "frontend" and "backend" respectively.


  1. Database- MongoDB Compass(for local testing) and MongoDB Atlas(for public deployment)

  2. Backend server - Node.js and EXpress

  3. Frontend-React Js

The backend is hosted on Heroku. You can go and visit there - https://jumbocash-backend.herokuapp.com/

The frontend is deployed on Netlify. You can go and visit there- https://jumbocash-management-apllication.netlify.app

Local Run

Before running make sure to create a .env folder in the backend and provide the required configuration details

npm install && npm start

Deployment of Backend

After signing up on Heroku, create a new app, and proceed to download Heroku CLI to deploy the backend of the app.

heroku login -i
heroku builds:create -a <name_of_your_app>

Deployment of Frontend

For deploying the frontend move to the frontend folder and download the netlify CLI to deploy it.

npm install netlify-cli -g
netlify login
npm run build
netlify deploy
netlify deploy --prod

Since there is routing (like React Router for example), you will need to set up a redirect and rewrite rule for the single page app.

That redirect rule would look like this:

 /*    /index.html   200

This redirect rule above will serve the index.html instead of giving a 404 no matter what URL the browser requests.

You can add redirect rules to the _redirects file or to your netlify.toml config file.