
Simulation code for "Capacity Limits and Multiplexing Gains of MIMO Channels with Transceiver Impairments" by Emil Björnson, Per Zetterberg, Mats Bengtsson, Björn Ottersten, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 91-94, January 2013.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Capacity Limits and Multiplexing Gains

This is a code package is related to the follow scientific article:

Emil Björnson, Per Zetterberg, Mats Bengtsson, Björn Ottersten, "Capacity Limits and Multiplexing Gains of MIMO Channels with Transceiver Impairments," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 91-94, January 2013.

The package contains a simulation environment, based on Matlab, that reproduces all the numerical results and figures in the article. We encourage you to also perform reproducible research!

##Abstract of Article

The capacity of ideal MIMO channels has a high-SNR slope that equals the minimum of the number of transmit and receive antennas. This letter analyzes if this result holds when there are distortions from physical transceiver impairments. We prove analytically that such physical MIMO channels have a finite upper capacity limit, for any channel distribution and SNR. The high-SNR slope thus collapses to zero. This appears discouraging, but we prove the encouraging result that the relative capacity gain of employing MIMO is at least as large as with ideal transceivers.

##Content of Code Package

The article contains 4 simulation figures, numbered from 2 to 5. These are generated by the Matlab scripts simulationFigure2.m, simulationFigure3.m, and simulationFigure4and5.m. The package contains one additional script, functionWaterfilling.m, which is called by the other scripts. The package also contains some measurement data, Hmeasured.mat, that is also used by the Matlab scripts.

See each file for further documentation.


This work was supported by International Postdoc Grant 2012-228 from The Swedish Research Council and by the HIATUS project (FET 265578).

##License and Referencing

This code package is licensed under the GPLv2 license. If you in any way use this code for research that results in publications, please cite our original article listed above.