
The project runs Zabbix proxy docker.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


The project runs Zabbix proxy.

About the project

Uses the following micro service applications:

  • Zabbix proxy
  • Zabbix agent
  • Mysql 8.*

Pre-deployment preparation

Before deploying the project, install Docker, Docker Compose latest versions.


For installation: To install, run:

  1. Do a git clone.

  2. Create an .env file and fill with variables:

cp ./.env.template ./.env

  1. Create an .env.proxy file and fill with variables:
cp ./.env.proxy ./.env.main_proxy
  1. Create an .env.agent file and fill with variables:
cp ./.env.agent.template ./.env.agent
  1. Run the project
docker-compose up -d
  1. After a couple of minutes, the service will start.

Useful links

Zabbix Proxy

Docker hub