				   Amairani Garcia, Christian Bourdeau, Shan Huang


Research of traffic collisions for the City of Los Angeles from 2010 to 2019 and create data visualizations using the records from the dataset.

Analysis Overview:

  • Who?: the demographic distribution of collision victims
  • When?: the time distribution of collisions
  • Where?: the relationship of location in which collisions occured

Technology Overview

Technology Description
API's, google
Python Libraries Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, scipy.stats, numpy, seaborn, gmap
Supporting functions Sodapy (library), datecal, datetime, calendar, Rise (library)

Development Requirements

  • Use Pandas to clean and format your dataset(s).
  • Create a Jupyter Notebook describing the data exploration and cleanup process.
  • Create a Jupyter Notebook illustrating the final data analysis.
  • Use Matplotlib to create a total of 6–8 visualizations of your data (ideally, at least 2 per ”question” you ask of your data).
  • Save PNG images of your visualizations to distribute to the class and instructional team, and for inclusion in your presentation.
  • Use at least one API, if you can find an API with data pertinent to your primary research questions.
  • Create a write-up summarizing your major findings. This should include a heading for each “question” you asked of your data and a short description of your findings and any relevant plots.

Presentation Requirements

  • 10-minute project overview
  • Questions you found interesting and what motivated you to answer them
  • Where and how you found the data you used to answer these questions
  • The data exploration and cleanup process (accompanied by your Jupyter Notebook)
  • The analysis process (accompanied by your Jupyter Notebook)
  • Your conclusions, which should include a numerical summary and visualizations of that summary
  • The implications of your findings: what do your findings mean?