
A POC for automating (triaging) various issues in a single backlog project Org-Backlog. The Org-Backlog project is configured with the following columns: Review, Backlog, In Progress, and Done.

How to get started - the Work Item Management process

Proposed workflow: Create Issue --> Review --> Approve --> Backlog --> Assign --> In Progress --> Completed/Done

  1. Create an issue in this repository, three issue types are available bugs, user story, feature.
  2. Fill out the details in the issue and submit. By providing Product name somewhere in the issue, the work item will automatically be assigned to the product's corresponding "Product Owner or Tech Lead" for Review and will be added to the Review column in the Org-Backlog.
  3. Once the issue has been manually reviewed by the required parties, apply the approved label and remove the needs review label when the item is ready to be worked on. The work item will automatically transition to the Backlog column where it is ready to be picked up and assigned. In addition, manually apply a milestone to the work item to track its progress.
  4. Assign the issue to an engineer in the Squad when the item is ready to be worked on. The work item will automatically transition to the In Progress column.
  5. Apply the completed label or close the issue when the work has been completed. The work item will automatically transiton to the Done column.

Templates and GitHub Actions used for the automation