
Implements the "cucumber" BDD framework in the nim language.

Primary LanguageNim


Implements the cucumber BDD testing framework in and for the nim programming language.

Cucumber ".feature" files (written in the "gherkin" language) allow tests to be organized around features, which document the goals functionality of code in terms of a short English description and a a number of scenarios, each containing a number of steps, all of which are written in English, subject to a few rules.

To implement tests for a feature, a developer writes step definitions, which associate the code to implement steps with the specification of the step via a regular expression.

See: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Gherkin or <http://docs.behat.org/en/v2.5/guides/1.gherkin.html> for more general information.


Alpha. Contributions and more extensive tests welcome. However, at least it is running its own features!


nimble install cucumber


Using cucumber_nim involves:

  1. Write features
  2. Write step definitions
  3. Write hook definitions
  4. Write a main file to import all definitions
  5. Run

See the features, steps and main module in cucumber_nim's own ./tests/ for an example.


See the links above for more information about feature files. Cucumber_nim features may differ from standard gherkin in a few ways:

1. Scenarios need not be indented. As there is only one feature per feature file, the indentation of scenarios is superfluous. Steps and examples do still need to be indented to group them with particular scenarios.

2. The use of the Scenario Outline keyword is optional. If at least one Examples section is present, a scenario will be run as if it were a scenario outline.

3. More than one Examples section may be present. The rows of examples are joined (in the database sense) to generate the final set of rows used.

4. Background sections may have examples. If they do, all the scenarios of the feature are run for each example row.

5. The special tag "@skip" can be used to specify features and/or scenarios which are skipped by default.

Step Definitions

Define steps using the Given, When and Then macros, which are defined in "cucumber/step". They all take three arguments: a pattern, arguments, and a body.

For example:

Given r"this step contains a (-?\d+) and <e>", (
    a: int, global.b: var int, quote.c: string, column.d: seq[int],
    e: int):
  assert c.strip == "Some text."
  assert e == 23
  b = a

Step Definition Patterns

The pattern is the string specification of a regex. This regex is used to match step specifications in feature files so the code in the body can be run for the step. The pattern also specifies capture groups which are used to capture strings that are parsed into arguments available to the step implementation. Capture groups are assigned to arguments in order (ignoring arguments which have qualifiers -- such as "global" or "quote", etc. See the next section for more information). As a convenience, the pattern can also include named arguments, surrounded by angle brackets (< and >). If there is an argument by this name in the argument list, then before the regex is compiled, the default capture group for the parameter type is substituted into the pattern.

Step Definition Arguments

The arguments allow step definitions to be parameterized with information from the steps, and also facilitate passing information between steps and between steps and hooks. The argument list is a parenthesized list of comma-delimited formal arguments. It must be present. A step definition without arguments looks like:

Given "this has no arguments", ():
  echo "We are running this step"

Each formal argument has the form:

[<qualifer>.]name: [var] type

The optional qualifier allows arguments from other sources than the step text. Allowed values are:

  • global: The argument is from global context, whose values persist over the runner session.
  • feature: The argument is from feature context, whose values are reset between features, but persist over all feature scenarios.
  • scenario: The argument is from scenario context, whose value are reset between scenarios (or different instances of scenario outlines), but persist over the steps of the scenario.
  • quote: The argument is from a block quote specified with the step. Such arguments must currently have type string.
  • column: The argument is a sequence of values taken from a column of a table specified by the step.

Context arguments (global, feature or scenario- qualified) may optionally include the var keyword. If they do, the variable is modifiable, and will be copied back into the context after the body of the step has been run.

Thus, in the example above:

Given r"this step contains a (-?\d+) and <e>", (
    a: int, global.b: var int, quote.c: string, column.d: seq[int],
    e: int):

a matches the first pattern; b comes from global context, and, since it is marked as var, is copied back into global context after the body of the step runs; c is taken from a block quote specified with the step; d is a sequence of integers taken from a column of a table specified with the step; and e is parsed from the context using the default pattern for integers (which is r"(-?d+)").

See the steps in package tests/steps for further examples.

Step Definition Body

The body of the step definition will be executed as the implementation of steps in features. The example code above will be compiled by the Given macro into a procedure more or less in the form of:

proc stepDefinition(stepArgs: StepArgs) : StepResult =
  let actual = stepArgs.stepText.match(stepRE).get.captures
    let a : int = parseInt(actual[0])
    var b : int = paramTypeIntGetter(ctGlobal, "b")
    let c : string = paramTypeSeqIntGetter(ctQuote, "c")
    let d : seq[int] = paramTypeSeqIntGetter(ctTable, "d")
    let e : int = parseInt(actual[1])
    result = StepResult(args: stepArgs, value: srSuccess)
      assert c.strip == "Some text."
      assert e == 23
      b = a
      paramTypeIntSetter(ctGlobal, "b", b)
      var exc = getCurrentException()
      result.value = srFail
      result.exception = exc

Parameter Types

The type of a formal parameter is a "parameter type" -- which doesn't (necessarily) correspond to a nim type. The "cucumber/parameters" defines some common types (currently: int, string, bool and float, as well as sequences of these). It also defines the DeclareParamType and DeclareRefParamType macros, which can be used to define other parameter types.



DeclareParamType(name, ptype, parseFct, newFct, pattern)


  • name: Name of the parameter type (to be used in argument list specification).
  • ptype: Actual nim type (not quoted). Is used to declare variables in step definitions.
  • parseFct: Function which takes a string and returns parsed value of type ptype.

    Can be nil for arguments not from step text (e.g. which are just stored in context).

  • newFct: Function which can be used to initialize or create a value of type ptype.

    If nil then nil will be used as initial value. (This is only legal if it is legal for ptype).

  • pattern: string pattern which can be used as default capture in regex. Can be nil; if defined must define exactly one capture group.

As a convenience:


is short for:

DeclareParamType("<ptype>", ptype, nil, nil, nil)

This is useful for declaring reference parameter types stored in context.

Note when declaring parameter types, that the name in quotes needn't correspond to the nim type name. This means for a given nim type you can declare different parameter types, perhaps in order to use different parsing functions, etc. Keep in mind that, in a step or hook definition, parameters should be declared using the cucumber name (without quotes).

For example:

DeclareParamType("IntA", int, parseIntA, newIntA, r"(\d+)")
DeclareParamType("IntB", int, parseIntB, newIntB, r"(-?\d+)")

would be used like this in a step definition:

Then "<a> is less than <b>", (a: IntA, b: IntB):
  assert a < b

When matching a step, a would accept strings using regex r"(d+)"; b would match using r"(-?d+)", (and their respective parsers would be used as well as their respective initialization functions for default vaules).

Sequences as parameter types

The columns of a step table are loaded into a sequence. Currently to support this, when a parameter with a name like seq[Foo] is created, cucumber will create a procedure to parse strings representing sequence elements and add them to the sequence. This assumes the existence of a function parseFoo(string): Foo, to parse the individual elements.

This is a temporary feature; in the future, either there will be a special form of a parameter type declaration for parsing elements, or cucumber will detect the presence of the function. In the meantime, you can either declare a element parser, or you can use a name that does not have the form seq[...] for the name of the parameter type corresponding to a nim seq.

Hook Definitions

Macros can be used to define hooks:

Around What Before After
Global BeforeAll AfterAll
Feature BeforeFeature AfterFeature
Scenario BeforeScenario AfterScenario
Step BeforeStep AfterStep

Hooks can run before or after processing of the given unit -- either unilaterally or based on a tag filter associated with the hook.

Hook implementations looks like:

BeforeAll @any, ():
  echo "Buckle your seatbelt, please"

AfterScenario *[@foo, +[@bar, ~baz]], (scenario.a: int):
  assert a == 0

Hook macros take a tag filter, an argument list, and a hook body.

Tag Filter

The tag filter conditions when the hook is run. A hook with a filter specified as @any will always run before or after the given event. Otherwise a filter specification must have the form <tag>, ~<tag filter>, *[<filter list>] or +[<filter list>]. Where <tag> is an individual tag (an identifier starting with "@"), <tag filter> is another tag filter, and filter list is a comma separated list of tag filters. The meanings of the operators are:

~ negation
* and
+ or

Argument List

The argument list is similar to the step definition argument list. However, it can only specify qualifiers global, feature or scenario.

Hook Body

The hook body is nim code that can use the arguments, similarly to a step definition body.

Main File

The main file gathers together all of the implementations for the nim compiler. Typically it will just call "cucumber/main.main" to load, run and report on results. The main runner file in tests/run.nim for cucumber_nim itself looks like:

import "../cucumber"
import "./steps/featureSteps"
import "./steps/stepDefinitionSteps"
import "./steps/hookDefinitionSteps"
import "./steps/dynmodHooks"
import "./steps/runnerSteps"

when isMainModule:
  let nfail = main()
  if nfail > 0:

Command Line

`cucumber/main.main parses the command line, taking options and feature file paths.

If no file paths are included, paths ./features and ./tests/features are searched recursively for .feature files. If one or more paths are specified then the given feature files or directories containing feature files are used instead of the default.

Options include:

  • -v `--verbosity`: Verbosity of runner and reporter. Currently:

    • `-2`: very quiet: return code is # of errors
    • `-1`: quiet: lists features run and failing scenarios

    * 0 (default): lists features and scenarios; writes exception info for caught exceptions.

    • `1`: logs when features are executing
    • `2`: logs when features and scenarios are executing
    • `3`: logs when features, scenarios and steps are executing
    • `4`: logs when features, scenarios, steps and hooks are executing

    * `5`: logs all of the above, and also lists attempted regex matches for steps and tag matches for hooks.

  • -b `--bail`: stop on first failure or undefined step
  • -t `--tags`: only run tags matching spec (in format of hook tag filter). The default is ~@skip.
  • -d `--define`: define a comma-separated list of tags globally.

Debugging Aids

The steps module contains ShowGiven, ShowWhen and ShowThen, which dump the resulting nim code to the console as well as generating the step definitions.


WARNING Currently, in order to test step and hook definition macros, tests write source to a temporary file generated by mktemp, compile this source into a dll and link to it dynamically. This is insecure as attacker could overwrite either the source, object or dll files. Until a better method is found (PRs happily accepted!) please use with caution. Automated testing should be done in a safe environment (e.g. appropriately configured docker instance).


nim c -r --verbosity:0 ./tests/run


nimble tests

To run tests.