Book Info Scraper

Getting started

  • Install NodeJS
  • Go to your project folder, and run npm install
  • Then run node scrape.js
  • The script will (hard-coded at this point) read from Book List.xlsx and outputs to output.xlsx
  • For eslint, run ./node_modules/.bin/eslint scrape.js


This project is an exercise in scraping data from the web. It reads an Excel sheet that contains an ISBN column, goes to to scrape information about the book, and fills in the information (i.e. width, height, length, synopsis, format, etc) into the Excel sheet.

This project started off as a way to perform data entry in a more efficient manner -- why spend countless hours doing a repetitive task when it can easily be automated?

It would take a human at least 2 minutes to perform data entry per row. At ~4400 rows, that would take ~73 hours.

During my tests on running this script, it takes about 7 minutes to complete 4400 rows (also dependent on internet connection, so results may vary).

Knowledge gained

  • The concept of asynchronous functions, the event loop in JavaScript, and what non-blocking I/O means
  • Various libraries in node
  • Rate limiting when it comes to making asynchronous HTTP requests
  • Promises, how to run them sequentially, and how to run resolve Promise.all() even if some promises get rejected

Possible improvements

  • For a project that took a couple of days over the weekend, the script is very straightforward and is meant to do a very specific task
  • This also means there are many potential areas of improvement -- code could use some tests, less hardcoding, more generic wrapper functions so we can swap out the Excel and web request implementations, enforce type-checking, etc. so that it could also be re-used for other Excel + scraping projects in the future
  • One of the requirements of this project was to specifically scrape, however I could transform this to use a Books API for future projects