
Base Image for DDF containers

Primary LanguageShell

DDF Base

Base level docker image containing all dependencies for DDF as well as a common set of steps for running a DDF based distribution

Usage Requirements

This image is meant to be the basis for any ddf based image. It packages the dependencies and an entrypoint script for use with any ddf based application

Any downstream containers must provide environment variables for:

  • APP_NAME - Name of application, used for branding by the entrypoint
  • APP_HOME - Home Directory for application installation (should have a bin directory as a child)
  • APP_LOG - Location of the application log file
FROM codice/ddf-base

ENV APP_NAME=<app_name>
ENV APP_HOME=<app_home>
ENV APP_LOG=<log_file>
# Install application


  • Oracle JDK8
  • jq for processing json
  • curl
  • props tool for modifying properties files
  • Common entry point for DDF based distributions
  • Automated certificate generation
  • Automated initial setup and configuration
    • Can request certs from a remote cfssl based CA via CA_REMOTE_URL=https://<host>:<port>


All the steps performed by the scripts in this image are broken down into two categories, pre-start and post-start. Pre-start steps are all performed prior to the ddf instance being started, while post-start steps are all performed after the ddf instance is started.

Both of these sets of steps can be extended easily using the following methods.

Customizing Readiness Check

There are a few protections in place in this image to help get timings right when performing installations. The default approach checks if all bundles are started before considering the system "ready" By default there are a few bundles that are excluded from this check. These defaults can be overriden via the READINESS_EXCLUSIONS environment variable

The default exclusions are: Apache Karaf :: Features :: Extension, Hosts|DDF :: Platform :: OSGi :: Conditions, Hosts|Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Console, Hosts|DDF :: Platform :: PaxWeb :: Jetty Config, Hosts Exclusions must be a string that is separated by | characters for each entry Downstream images that need a custom set of exclusions should override via their Dockerfile:

ENV READINESS_EXCLUSIONS="some bundle name|another bundle name|yet another bundle name"

Additionally for distributions that make use of the fabric8 health/readiness endpoint the experimental health checks can be used instead of the older approach by setting EXPERIMENTAL_READINESS_CHECKS_ENABLED=true Note: This requires that the fabric8-karaf-checks feature is installed as part of the distribution's boot features

Pre-Start Extensions

For simple extension, add a script: $ENTRYPOINT_HOME/pre_start_custom.sh For more complex extension, any number of executable files can be added to $ENTRYPOINT_HOME/pre/

Post-Start Extensions

For simple extension, add a script: $ENTRYPOINT_HOME/post_start_custom.sh For more complex extension, any number of executable files can be added to $ENTRYPOINT_HOME/post/

Basic Configuration

System Hostname

To set the external hostname used by DDF based systems, provide a value to EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME=<hostname>. This will be the hostname that all external requests to the system should use.

To set the internal hostname used by DDF based systems, provide a value to INTERNAL_HOSTNAME=<hostname>

Internal System Ports

Note: Setting these options changes the ports that are actually bound by the server. In most cases this should not be necessary.

To set the internal HTTPS Port provide a value for INTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT=<port>

To set the internal HTTP Port provide a value for INTERNAL_HTTP_PORT=<port>

External System Ports

Note: Setting these options affect the url that the server expects external requests to use.

To set the external HTTPS Port provide a value for EXTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT=<port>

To set the external HTTP Port provide a value for EXTERNAL_HTTP_PORT=<port>

External Solr

To configure a solr backend, provide a value to SOLR_URL=<external solr url>. By default this will use the internal solr server

To configure a solr cloud backend, provide a value to SOLR_ZK_HOSTS=<zk host>,<zk host>,<zk host>,...

External LDAP

To configure the ldap client, provide a value to LDAP_HOST=<hostname>. NOTE: Currently this is for testing purposes only, as it does not provide a means for configuring the protocol, port, username, or password used by the ldap client.

Java Memory

To set the amount of memory allocated to the system set JAVA_MAX_MEM

Advanced Configuration

Copy (or mount) any necessary configuration files into APP_HOME/etc/

Additionally any files mounted or copied to $ENTRYPOINT_HOME/pre_config will be copied under APP_HOME before the system is started

Managing Apps and Features

There are several methods for installing and uninstalling apps and features at startup.

To use an install profile, provide a profile name to INSTALL_PROFILE=<profile name> this can be used to install any profiles registered with the installer, as well as custom json based profiles located under APP_HOME/etc/profiles/ This method supports installing/uninstalling apps, features, and bundles.

To install features, provide a list of features to INSTALL_FEATURES=<feature name>;<feature name>;...

To uninstall features, provide a list of features to UNINSTALL_FEATURES=<feature name>;<feature name>;...

To start apps, provide a list of apps to STARTUP_APPS=<app name>;<app name>;...

Configuring HTTPS

Custom keystores can easily be mounted to APP_HOME/etc/keystores/serverKeystore.jks and APP_HOME/etc/keystores/serverTruststore.jks

Auto-generated demo certs

If custom keystores are not used the startup process will generate certificates on the fly. By default the local ddf demo CA (bundled within the ddf distribution) will be used to generate a certificate for the value of INTERNAL_HOSTNAME, or if not provided the value of hostname -f will be used.

Additionally Subject Alternative Names will be added to the certificate for DNS:$INTERNAL_HOSTNAME(if unset will use hostname -f),$EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME,DNS:localhost,IP: To add additional SAN values use the CSR_SAN=<DNS|IP>:<value>,... environment variable.

Import Existing Certificates

Certificates can be imported at runtime by passing the certificate chain in the SSL_CERT environment variable. The chain must be in the format:


Warning: This should not be used in a production environment as it is insecure. Anyone with access to the docker daemon will be able to retrieve this from the environment.

Remote CA Support

Certificates can also be requested from a remote cffsl based CA at startup by using the REMOTE_CA_URL=https://<host>:<port>. By default this will request a certificate from the remote CA that looks identical to the ones generated from the local CA. The remote CA mode provides additional configuration options for customizing the values used in the certificate.

CSR Customization

Only applicable when using CA_REMOTE_URL

Variable Description Default
CSR_KEY_ALGORITHM Sets the key algorithm for the generated Certificate rsa
CSR_KEY_SIZE Sets the key size for the generated Certificate 2048
CSR_SAN Sets the SAN value for the generated Certificate DNS:<hostname>,DNS:localhost
CSR_COUNTRY Sets the Country value for the generated Certificate US
CSR_LOCALITY Sets the Locality value for the generated Certificate Hursley
CSR_ORGANIZATION Sets the Organization value for the generated Certificate DDF
CSR_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT Sets the Organizational Unit value for the generated Certificate Dev
CSR_STATE Sets the State value for the generated Certificate AZ
CSR_PROFILE Sets the type of certificate requested from the CA server

Seeding Data

It is possible to automatically seed the system with data using multiple methods. Both catalog metadata and content can be preloaded from local and remote sources. This is mostly useful for testing and demonstration purposes.

Seeding Catalog Metadata

To ingest data automatically after the system is running, the INGEST_DATA environment variable can be used. It can take a comma separated list of locations to retrieve archives of metadata from: https://foo.bar/baz.zip,http://fake.com/foo.tar.gz Supported archive types are:

  • zip
  • tar
  • tar.gz
  • tgz

Supported protocols are:

  • http://
  • https://
  • file://

Optionally a transformer for each set of data can be specified by adding |<transformerName> after each item in the list

Full Example: INGEST_DATA=https://foo.bar/baz.zip|xml,http://fake.com/foo.tar.gz|geojson,file:///some/local/file.zip

Seeding Content Data

To pre-load and index content automatically after the sytem is running, the SEED_CONTENT environment variable can be used. It can take a comma separated list of locations to retrieve archives of data (these can include mixed types of data): https://foo.bar/data.zip,http:fake.com/moreData.tar.gz

Supported archive types are:

  • zip
  • tar
  • tar.gz
  • tgz

Supported protocols are:

  • http://
  • https://
  • file://

Full Example: SEED_CONTENT=https://foo.bar/data.zip,file:///some/directory/moreData.tar.gz

Configuring Content Directory Monitors

Content directory monitor can be used to watch a directory for files to be stored and indexed. It is possible to create an arbitrary number of monitored directories using the CDM environment variable.

The CDM environment variable supports specifying all properties for each CDM instance like <directory>|<processing_mechanism>|<threads>|<readlock> where <directory> is the only required parameter.

Full example: CDM=/monitor|in_place|1|500,/foo|delete|1|200,/bar

Configuring IdP Client

To configure the IdP client metadata location set the IDP_URL environment variable. For example: IDP_URL=https://some.host/services/idp/login/metadata

Configuring Registries

Multiple registries containing federated source listings can be used to automatically set up federation. To configure registries set the REGISTRY environment variable. The registry variable takes input in the form `REGISTRY=url|option|option|...,url|option|...

The only required argument for each registry is the url. Other positional options are as follows:

Parameter Description Default
name Sets the name of the remote registry Defaults to the URL when omitted
type Sets the registry type csw
push Configures registry client to push to registry true
pull Configures registry client to pull from registry true
auto-push Configures registry client to push its identity to the registry true
username Configures registry client username null
password Configures registry client password null


By default the base image only supports CSW type registries. To support other registry types add a template to $ENTRYPOINT_HOME/templates/registry/. Templates should be named: <name>.template


Sometimes during the startup process the system can take a while to fully initialize. This can be due to memory/cpu constraints. On underpowered systems it might be necessary to instruct the entrypoint script to wait longer and attempt more retries to connect to the system during the boot process. This can be accomplished by setting the KARAF_CLIENT_DELAY=<time> (default: 10) (in seconds) or KARAF_CLIENT_RETRIES=<number> (default: 12)

Deprecated features

  • APP_NODENAME=<node_name> DEPRECATED use CSR_SAN=<DNS|IP>:<value>,... instead
  • APP_HOSTNAME=<hostname> DEPRECATED use INTERNAL_HOSTNAME=<hostname> instead