
Visualize the languages on the JS platform

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

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>> View the "Solar System of JS"

I made this to visualize the current state of languages on the JS platform, because I am frankly overwhelmed by all the different activity happening in this space. It was originally motivated by a desire to bring ClojureScript into this view, as a language that I think has simple, fundamental solutions to a lot of the problems that are fragmenting JS.


The code is written in * ClojureScript. It implements its own animated presentation architecture that hopefully serves as an example for interesting things that can be done with the language.

Some features:
  • frames are drawn to a Canvas using the 2D api
  • all animations tap a core.async channel to receive a delta-time dt value every frame.
  • slide transitions are driven by an actions spec to animate state data
  • the incremental actions spec allows us to jump ahead to specific slides (for URL routing)
  • the drawing is a pure function of the application state (basically)
File Descriptions:

* The logo is part of a branding effort for a proper ClojureScript website that we are building this year, with docs pages and tutorials.

Development Setup

  1. Install leiningen

  2. Run this to get a live-reload compiler, http server, and REPL:

    $ lein figwheel dev
  3. Open http://localhost:3449



