
Node JavaScript Template, One of the world's fastest template.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node JavaScript Template

Node-jst is a pretty high performance template engine and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js


via npm:

npm install jst


  • Automatically caching of intermediate JavaScript
  • Unbuffered code for embed codes etc {% code %} or {{ variable }}
  • Enforcing coding standard, for example {{ variable }} is correct, but {{variable}} is wrong
  • Customizable filters


{% if (user) { %}
  <h2>{{ user.name }}</h2>
{% } %}


var jst = require('jst');

// Render a string
jst.render('Hello {{ name }}', {name: 'jst'});

// Render a file
jst.renderFile('path/to/some.html', {name: 'jst'}, function(err, ctx) {
  // second arg are optional,
  // the callback can be the second arg

// Compile a function
var fn = jst.compile('Hello {{ name }}');
fn({name: 'jst'});

// Use `it.` as prefix of variables so that you can run it more than 30 times faster
jst.render('Hello {{ it.name }}', {name: 'jst'});

// Filters
jst.render('Hello {{ it.name|e }}', {name: '<strong>jst</strong>'});
jst.render('{{ it.entry|e|linebreaks }}', {entry: '...'});
jst.render('{{ it.value|add(123) }}', {value: 123});

// Custom filters
jst.addFilter('filterName', function(src) { ... });
jst.addFilters({anotherFilter: function(src) { ... }});
jst.render('{{ it.value|filterName }}', {value: 123});
jst.render('{{ it.value|anotherFilter }}', {value: 123});
// or
jst.addFilter('filterName', function(arg1, arg2, arg3) { return function(src) { ... }});
jst.render('{{ it.value|filterName(1, 2, 3) }}', {value: 123});

// Client side
<script src="jst.js"></script>
  jst.render('Hello {{ it.name }}', {name: 'jst'});


A brief comparison of some JavaScript templating engines on a short template: 7 DOM nodes ... 7 interpolated values.


(The MIT License)