
Problem Sets for MITx: 6.00.1x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming OCW

Primary LanguagePython


MITx: 6.00.1x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming OCW 2014 can be accessed at https://www.edx.org/course/mitx/mitx-6-00-1x-introduction-computer-1498.

I write about my journey through 6.00.1x at my blog.

Week 1 submission

pset1.Test.py - Calculates the sum of all the fibonacci numbers under 4 million.
pset1.1.py - Counts and prints the number of vowels in string s.
pset1.2.py - Counts the number of occurrences of the string ‘bob’ in string s.
pset1.3.py - Prints the longest substring in alphabetical order of string s.

Week 2 submission

pset2.1.py - Assuming student only pay minimum monthly payment each month, this script shows the remaining balance after each month, and remaining balance after one year, how much is paid total in one year.
pset2.2.py - Calculates how much money the student has to pay in order to clear the balance in one year using linear search.
pset2.3.py - Calculates how much money the student has to pay in order to clear the balance in one year using bisection search.

Week 3 submission

iterPow.py - Calculates base raised to a power using loop.
recurPow.py - Calculates base raised to a power using recursion.
recurPowNew.py - Calculates base raised to a power using another recursion.
radiationExposure.py - Computes and returns the amount of radiation exposed between the start and stop times.
ps3_hangman.py - Hangman game using words from words.txt.

Week 4 submission

ps4a.py - Word game similar to Scrabble.
ps4b.py - Same as ps4a.py, added an option to let computer play instead of user.