CSIT Mini Challenge 2023: Software Engineering (REST API)

A REST API written in Ruby on Rails for the CSIT Software Engineering Mini Challenge 2023.

Getting Started

To run this project, you will need the following:

  • Ruby ^3.0.2
  • Rails ^7.0.6
git clone
cd csit_rb
bundle install
bin/rails server

Alternatively, this project is also available as repository on Docker Hub. To run this project using Docker, you will need the following:

  • Docker ^20.10.8
  • Docker Compose ^1.29.2
docker pull shaunnope/csit-se-2023
docker run -p 3000:8080 shaunnope/csit-se-2023

Extra Notes

The base app for this project was generated using the Ruby on Rails framework.

rails new csit_rb --api --skip-active-record


With this being my first time developing a Rails app, I relied on the following resources to get started: