
A Werewolf game moderator for Telegram built on grammY

Primary LanguageTypeScript

UnoxWolf Telegram Bot

UnoxWolf is a Telegram bot to moderate Unoxian Werewolf games. It is currently in development.

Getting Started

Make a copy of the example.env file and rename it to .env. Fill in the values for the environment variables.

cp example.env .env

Environment Variables

Variable Type Default Description
NODE_ENV String - Application environment (development or production)
BOT_TOKEN String - Token, get it from @BotFather.
BOT_WEBHOOK String - Webhook endpoint, used to configure webhook in production environment.
LOG_LEVEL String info Optional. Application log level. See Pino docs for a complete list of available log levels.
BOT_SERVER_HOST String Optional. Server address.
BOT_SERVER_PORT Number 80 Optional. Server port.
BOT_ALLOWED_UPDATES Array of String [] Optional. A JSON-serialized list of the update types you want your bot to receive. See Update for a complete list of available update types.
BOT_ADMIN_USER_ID Number or Array of Number [] Optional. Administrator user ID. Commands such as /setcommands will only be available to a user with this ID.


The initial template for this project was adapted from Telegram Bot Template

The mechanics of the game are inspired by the One Night Ultimate Series by Ted Alspach and Akihisa Okui.

The infrastructure behind the game is inspired from that used in Werewolf for Telegram