Part 2 gets more in depth with a real-world workflow, and the usefulness of Docker Compose over Docker.
Previously, in Part 1, a small Hello World Node.js app was created to run with either Docker or Docker Compose.
Now, we're going to skip a few steps and dive straight into a more real-world app, complete with MongoDB, Redis, and Elasticsearch on the back-end.
In Part 3, we will set up a full build process with Gulp, Browserify, React, and SCSS on the front-end. Oh, and tests!
Normally, it takes quite a bit of time to set up and install all these various technologies and to get it working properly on your host. With Docker Compose, all of this will take minutes, and will work across all your team members.
We will also forego using Docker directly, and use Docker Compose exclusively. Particularly, we will be heavily modifying the docker-compose.yml
For further reading on how Docker Compose works with docker-compose.yml
, go here:
Using your original project from Part 1, simply follow along on the steps. You will be running several commands and modifying your existing files.
There is no need to clone this repository. Use it as a reference for the completed version only.
- To pull together several back-end services to work together in harmony
- To create an effective workflow that doesn't get in your way
- To gain a deeper understanding of Docker Compose and how it can help orchestrate complex setups
One of the first drawbacks of what we built in Part 1 was that each time your source code changed, you had to rebuild the image, then relaunch the container.
Using Nodemon and mounting a volume can fix this.
Nodemon listens for changes to your source code, and reloads your app. It even knows when you add new files and directories. One limitation that I did notice was that it did not know when files were deleted.
A data volume is a means of persisting data for a container. It also acts as a shared folder from host to container. In Part 1 we were just copying the source code to the container, but now we're going to give the container a place on our host to access the source directly. This is also beneficial for file watching.
Also, with Vagrant, one of the biggest problems our team begun to have with one of our largest apps was file watching inside of a was slow. Super slow. 10-30 seconds slow. The reason for this slowness was that the VM could not use the host's native OS file watching, and therefore had to poll all of the files it watched.
Docker data volumes don't have this limitation. Nodemon and any other file watchers (which we will implement in Part 3 for our build process) are free to use the host OS's file watching.
To use Nodemon, we will modify our Dockerfile to add installing Nodemon immediately after pulling the Node image:
# install nodemon
RUN npm install -g nodemon
Our final Dockerfile should look like this:
# Node.js version
FROM node:6.9.2
# install nodemon
RUN npm install -g nodemon
# Create app directory
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# get the npm modules that need to be installed
COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
# install npm modules
RUN npm install
# copy the source files from host to container
COPY . /usr/src/app
In our docker-compose.yml
file, we will then need to change node index.js
to nodemon index.js
In our docker-compose.yml
, we need to add the following under the app
- .:/usr/src/app
Notice that the format is {host_directory}:{container_directory}.
Our new file should look like:
version: '2'
build: .
image: shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
command: nodemon index.js
- .:/usr/src/app
We're going to use Docker Compose to help us manage all our fancy new services.
We will modify our docker-compose.yml
file to add in the new services that we will require:
image: mongo:3.4.1
- '27017:27017'
image: redis:3.2.6
- '6379'
image: elasticsearch:5.1.1
- '9200:9200'
We will then link these new containers to our app container:
build: .
image: shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
command: nodemon index.js
- .:/usr/src/app
- tutorial-mongo
- tutorial-redis
- tutorial-elasticsearch
Your docker-compose.yml
should now look like:
version: '2'
image: mongo:3.4.1
- '27017:27017'
image: redis:3.2.6
- '6379'
image: elasticsearch:5.1.1
- '9200:9200'
build: .
image: shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
command: nodemon index.js
- .:/usr/src/app
- tutorial-mongo
- tutorial-redis
- tutorial-elasticsearch
If you're wondering where to find the names of the images you need, welcome to Docker Hub. Adding big scary tech is easier than shopping on Amazon!
Typically when you're working with tech like MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and Redis, you'll want to access them to view and modify their data directly. E.g. visualizing your data in a GUI like MongoHub, or running commands in a CLI.
Even though these services live inside of containers, accessing them is quite easy.
Notice that for tutorial-mongo
, we specified the ports
"27017:27017". This is of the format {host_port}:{container_port}, and means to expose the port 27017 in the container (the default MongoDB port), and forward it to port 27017 on the host.
This means that you can access mongo from your host machine from its usual port! You can alternatively change the host port to anything else you'd like.
Therefore, connecting to the mongo instance from your host machine is as simple as connecting to localhost:27017
The same concept applies to Elasticsearch as it does for MongoDB, except it uses port 9200.
Redis is a bit different as we don't necessarily need to access it locally. However, may want to access redis-cli
in the terminal, in order to run commands. To do that, make sure the redis container is already up and running, then we're going to start another instance of that redis container, but execute the redis-cli
command instead, and have it connect to the already running container:
docker-compose run tutorial-redis redis-cli -h tutorial-redis
The above says docker-compose run {service} {command}
, where the {service} is our defined "tutorial-redis",
and the command is redis-cli
. The "-h" flag is actually a flag on redis-cli
, not docker-compose
, and it tells redis-cli
to use "tutorial-redis" as the hostname (instead of localhost, as is default).
For convenience, this command is saved in the scripts
directory as
If that last bit about hostnames didn't make sense, don't worry it will soon. It's another magical feature of Docker,
where the service names we use in docker-compose.yml
can actually be used as the hostnames of those containers to connect to them.
We'll be using that concept in our source code when we get to it.
The above concept also works to connect to the mongo shell:
docker-compose run tutorial-mongo mongo --host tutorial-mongo
For convenience, this command is saved in the scripts
directory as
We will now attempt to install some new packages from NPM. In the first tutorial, we used the official node image to create a terminal to generate the package.json
. We will take a similar approach to modify the package.json
However, before we do that, we need to do some initial configuration. Why? Because of our use of volumes in Step 1.
Here's a breakdown of our current situation:
- When our image is built, it runs
npm install
based on ourpackage.json
file, and the copies over our source code into the container. This is all well and good, and is a good method for creating the self-contained image that we want, since, when we later share this image with others, they don't need to have our source code or anything else to run the image. - The problem with our image building was that we would have to rebuild the image each time our source code changed, so we implemented a volume in Step 1 that allowed the running container to directly access the source code on our host. In the container's filesystem, the "original" copied source code was overlaid by the files in the mounted volume. This enabled us to not have to rebuild our image just to access our latest source code in the container.
- Now, the problem with our volume solution is that our volume takes everything from our project root and mounts it, including our host's
, or lack thereof. Therefore, the originalnode_modules
in the container that was built by the image is no longer present when our source-code volume is mounted.
The solution to end all problems is to mount another volume, one which restores the original node_modules
that results from building the image. We do that in the docker-compose.yml
- .:/usr/src/app
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
Your docker-compose.yml
should now look like:
version: '2'
image: mongo:3.4.1
- '27017:27017'
image: redis:3.2.6
- '6379'
image: elasticsearch:5.1.1
- '9200:9200'
build: .
image: shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
command: nodemon index.js
- .:/usr/src/app
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
- tutorial-mongo
- tutorial-redis
- tutorial-elasticsearch
How and why does this work? Because a feature of volumes is that if the container’s base image contains data at the specified mount point, that existing data is copied into the new volume upon volume initialization.
And so, specifying the original node_modules
directory as a volume actually overlays that directory on top the source code volume that we specified, restoring node_modules
to its original glory.
Notice also that it does not map to anything on our host, it simply needs to mount a volume of existing data.
A more visual explanation can be found here.
Recall that the command for our temporary terminal was saved in scripts/
, so you can run that script directly:
sh scripts/
or run the full command:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app shaunpersad/docker-tutorial /bin/bash
Now let's start installing!
npm install async lodash express body-parser mongoose redis elasticsearch --save
The above are the libraries that our app will need. exit
when done.
We now have a modified package.json
file waiting for us on our host.
In a far cry from our original "Hello World!" app, we're now going to create a "simple" registry of people. We should be able to add, search for, and display people. We will submit people via a form, send it to an express app, which will then save it in MongoDB, and mirror it in Elasticsearch. Whenever we search for someone, the express app will hit Elasticsearch for the results, and cache it in Redis. With this simplistic of an app, MongoDB is playing a fairly useless middleman, though in real apps that usually is not the case, as you tend to not want Elasticsearch as your primary database.
This part of the tutorial is focusing only on the back-end, so we won't worry about React and the build process just yet.
To better organize our codebase that's about to explode with new stuff, let's add a src
In it, we will have the following directories and files:
- src/
- api/: API route handlers
- createUser.js: POST /users/create to create a user
- editUser.js: POST|PUT /users/{userId}/edit to edit a user
- getUser.js: GET /users/{userId} to get a specific user
- getUsers.js: GET /users with optional ?search={query} to get a list of users
- removeUser.js: POST|DELETE /users/{userId}/remove to remove a user
- models/: Database models and tying all three database services together
- *getUserModel.js: gets the User model from Mongoose
- services/: wrappers around our external services (MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis)
- elasticsearch: will create an Elasticsearch connection, and create mappings if necessary
- mongo.js: will create a MongoDB connection
- redis.js: will create a Redis connection
- utils/: utility functions
- apiResponse.js: will respond to API requests with JSON, and handle errors appropriately
- healthCheck.js: will wait for our external services to be ready before allowing the app to proceed
- remember.js: will allow us to easily store data in Redis
- unRemember.js: will allow us to easily remove data from Redis
- api/: API route handlers
- index.js: Still our entry point into the app.
This is by no means a large-scale framework, but it will do the job in a non-cluttered, reasonable way.
Inspect index.js
. In it, we start out by require
ing our libraries, and then all our src
items. Then we get to this util.healthCheck
Remember that with Docker Compose, we are able to start all our containers at the same time. One side effect of this behavior is that not all our services will be ready when our app starts. In fact, they usually never are, as they require startup time. Attempting to start your app without these connections will result in errors, so we need a mechanism that will allow us to wait for these services to be ready before we do anything meaningful in our app.
So, our healthCheck
does just that. Feel free to inspect the code, but to spare you the suspense, it simply repeatedly attempts to make
connections to your external services until it succeeds, at which point it calls the callback, which in our case, sets up our routes.
Recall that earlier we mentioned that "the service names we use in docker-compose.yml
can actually be used as the hostnames of those containers to connect to them".
As an example, if you create a service names "my-service" in your docker-compose.yml
, other containers can make requests to "http://my-service:{some_exposed_port}" to talk to it!
This concept is used in the functions found in src/services
to connect to MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and Redis.
const client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'tutorial-elasticsearch:9200',
log: []
const client = redis.createClient({
host: 'tutorial-redis'
Also notice that in our docker-compose.yml
, we've got some port definitions to expose the default ports for these services.
It doesn't matter that we're using the default ports in our code (and in the case of Elasticsearch, we actually hard-code it),
because by default, our containers create their own private network. Only MongoDB and Redis are explicitly accessible
to the outside world, because we've defined ports on our host to talk to them, but we can change these ports to anything we wish,
without having to change our source code. In fact, when we later create a production-ready docker-compose.yml
file, those publicly exposed ports will go away. They are simply there for now, for development convenience.
For example, for Elasticsearch, we have this:
- '9200:9200'
We could change it to this:
- '5000:9200'
Which would not affect our source at all, because the containers would still be able to talk to it at 9200, but if we wanted to talk to Elasticsearch from our host, we'd have to use 5000 instead.
I encourage you to explore each file in this project, starting from index.js
, and tracing things to the src
directory. When you're done, copy the src
directory and the index.js
file from this project into your own, and you're good to go!
The gist of what happens is as follows:
- We connect to our services, then assign our routes and handles with express.
- API requests will come in and act upon the User model we have defined.
- Using Mongoose's model events, we can trigger things to happen whenever a model is created, edited, or deleted.
- This allows us to sync our data between MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and Redis.
- Whenever a model is created or edited, its data is automatically put into Elasticsearch, and the relevant Redis caches are cleared.
- Whenever a model is deleted, its data is automatically removed from Elasticsearch, and the relevant Redis caches are cleared.
The app we're writing is a web server, so we need to provide it with a port to listen to. The source code in index.js
is asking for 3000, so let's give it:
build: .
image: shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
command: nodemon index.js
NODE_ENV: development
- '3000:3000'
- .:/usr/src/app
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
- tutorial-mongo
- tutorial-redis
- tutorial-elasticsearch
Notice also the new "environment" variables. It's just good practice to define the NODE_ENV explicitly.
In a later tutorial we'll see how to extend docker-compose.yml
for dev, staging, and production.
Your new docker-compose.yml
should now look like:
version: '2'
image: mongo:3.4.1
- '27017:27017'
image: redis:3.2.6
- '6379'
image: elasticsearch:5.1.1
- '9200:9200'
build: .
image: shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
command: nodemon index.js
NODE_ENV: development
- '3000:3000'
- .:/usr/src/app
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
- tutorial-mongo
- tutorial-redis
- tutorial-elasticsearch
Once all the code is in place, it's the moment of truth. Run docker-compose up --build
, and watch the magic happen.
Normally, you'll just need to run docker-compose up
, but since we've already got an existing image from Part 1 named shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
, and we've made changes to our Dockerfile
as well as installed new NPM packages, we need to pass in the --build
flag to alert docker-compose to rebuild the image.
You'll probably see a lot of console output. Containers tend to be noisy on startup, and we've got 3 big technologies all starting up at the same time. If everything went according to plan, one of the last outputs you should see should be:
app_1 | Listening...
If this is true, hooray, your app is up!
Navigate to http://localhost:3000
, and you'll be presented with our old friend "Hello world!".
At this point, you may want to turn off the extra logs from the other noisy containers. You can do that with:
driver: "none"
Your final docker-compose.yml
should then be:
version: '2'
image: mongo:3.4.1
- '27017:27017'
driver: "none"
image: redis:3.2.6
- '6379'
driver: "none"
image: elasticsearch:5.1.1
- '9200:9200'
driver: "none"
build: .
image: shaunpersad/docker-tutorial
command: nodemon index.js
NODE_ENV: development
- '3000:3000'
- .:/usr/src/app
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
- tutorial-mongo
- tutorial-redis
- tutorial-elasticsearch
Now you're free to try out the API. Fire up Postman or some other REST client, and start making requests!
We've got no data, so let's make some.
URL: http://localhost:3000/users/create BODY: firstName = Shaun, lastName = Persad
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'firstName=Shaun&lastName=Persad' "http://localhost:3000/users/create"
URL: http://localhost:3000/users
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "http://localhost:3000/users"
Try repeating this request. The second time around should be faster, since it will be cached in Redis.
URL: http://localhost:3000/users/create BODY: firstName = Tim, lastName = Coker
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'firstName=Tim&lastName=Coker' "http://localhost:3000/users/create"
URL: http://localhost:3000/users QUERY: search = Sh
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "http://localhost:3000/users?search=sh"
Try repeating this request. The second time around should be faster, since it will be cached in Redis.
You get the picture!
As was the case with generating the package.json
file in Part 1, the intent of using the temporary terminal in Step 3 was to not rely
on having Node or NPM available on our host just to run a node/npm command. However, the side effect of what we've done at the start of Step 3
is that now we have some modules "physically" present in our node_modules
directory on our host. Our Dockerfile ignores node_modules
(thanks to the .dockerignore
we set up in Part 1) on our host, and builds its own node_modules
from the information in package.json
, so these host modules are effectively meaningless, and can be ignored (or removed if you're a bit OCD).
Now, whenever we update our package.json
(either we install new modules ourselves as described in Step 3, or we git pull
and find that we have an updated package.json
, or simply modify package.json
manually), we will need to stop whatever's currently running, and rebuild our image.
We can accomplish that with the following commands:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build
This will effectively be the only times you need to rebuild your image in your workflow, unless there happen to be new changes to your Dockerfile
You survived Part 2! It was intense, but you can now say you've successfully created a complex back-end system using Docker Compose. All it takes to run is a single command too! Try editing the source code while the app is running. Nodemon will do its thing and reload the app automatically. No more rebuilding the image each time!
The best part is whoever pulls down your completed source code can build everything all at once and run it, just by running docker-compose up
It's pretty awesome, isn't it?
In Part 3, we'll explore a front-end workflow. Stay tuned!