Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support
Pinned issues
- 4
- 0
Need to learn how to customize LspInlayHint
#164 opened by Dmitry-N-Medvedev - 2
Setting nord_borders to false has no effect.
#162 opened by sleemer - 0
- 1
support for lazy?
#159 opened by bckelley - 0
Highlights in flash.nvim
#158 opened by danieleavitabile - 0
- 1
The visibility of some text is not high
#155 opened by MacKenia - 1
- 1
Add border to floating window
#152 opened by dbatten5 - 1
#150 opened by ferrerama - 8
- 0
Compatability with semantic highlighting
#149 opened by aiden1999 - 3
Font in Screenshots
#119 opened by austinliuigi - 0
Option to set "nord_cursor_line_number_background"
#147 opened by jpotier - 0
Grayed out (unused?) code is not legible
#146 opened by cachandlerdev - 2
Theme is not applied correctly
#145 opened by Ujs113 - 1
Disable auto lighten/dark selection
#142 opened by eayavas - 1
Add support for LSP semantic tokens
#134 opened by Kranzes - 2
Having Trouble
#139 opened by ocelotStride - 2
Invalid character in group name
#113 opened by wesleyjrz - 4
nord_italic = false not working
#138 opened by bmuehl - 0
diff bg colors not working
#136 opened by LordTlasT - 4
W18: Invalid character in group name
#124 opened by jeusdi - 6
Add default color for hl-group Substitute
#133 opened by trevarj - 0
- 3
Error detected while processing nvim_exec()
#126 opened by pandasoli - 1
How to turn off TelescopeSelection by init file
#86 opened by ForteDexe - 1
Is the light theme intentional?
#123 opened by EleanorNB - 0
- 3
Lsp saga popup menu has a different background color
#120 opened by ikovac - 6
Nord theme makes typing too slow
#125 opened by pandasoli - 3
nord_contrast not working
#84 opened by shMorganson - 1
Mechanic for customizing individual colors
#83 opened by felipesere - 1
feature request: Add support for folke/which-key.nvim
#116 opened by orjangj - 1
Feature request: Add support for nvim-neotest/neotest
#117 opened by orjangj - 4
bufferline.nvim incorrect colors
#91 opened by robin-whg - 1
Neovim API
#115 opened by Isrothy - 1
can't see help info
#109 opened by shendypratamaa - 4
Manually set highlight colors
#107 opened by manuelcattelan - 3
Vimdiff Whitespace Highlighting
#106 opened by austinliuigi - 2
update setup (new style)
#103 opened by mohammadne - 2
None 24-bit color terminal compatibility
#82 opened by tkono1 - 2
IncSearch bg color
#89 opened by pehweihang - 0
YAML groups missing for Treesitter highlighting
#104 opened by antoineco - 2
conflicts with lualine when configured directly with lua
#102 opened by glyh - 3
Darker BG
#101 opened by godalming123 - 0
Exposing named nord colors
#87 opened by felipesere - 2
I just want to ask whether you mind to share your configuration of lualine showing in the picture of nord theme or not.
#88 opened by LeoGitHuber - 0
#90 opened by Ruixi-rebirth