
Ember v2.7 and Sails v0.12.4

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Ember v2.7 and Sails v0.12.4

Summary: frontend Ember - backend Sails

Ember and Sails looked like a match made in heaven. With Sails' superfast APIs and Ember's superfast models, perfect!

Not quite. Ember was quite picky about the data received from Sails, and Sails a little tardy on specification compliance (JSONAPI), and doesn't support PATCH out of the box ( ! ).

So, here is the setup I worked out, allowing an Ember frontend to communicate with Sails backend with MariaDB at the rear.


Hurdles and Solutions

  • Sails does not support PATCH out of the box, only PUT; so I added an alias for PATCH in routes.js to redirect PATCHs to PUTs.

  • Sails doesn't talk proper JSONAPI (nor REST) so I used a Sails blueprint to format the output to JSONAPI.

  • Ember needs to use it's JSONAPIAdapter.

Specifics Summary

  • EmberJS 2.7 in it's own folder

    • with JSONAPIAdapter enabled in app/adapters/application.js

       export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
         host: 'http://localhost:1337', /// 1337 is Sails's default port
  • SailsJS 0.12.4 in it's own folder

    • npm install --save sails-json-api-blueprints
    • and modifications to
      • config/cors.js :

        • set allRoutes to true
        • add PATCH to the methods attribute
      • config/routes.js :

        • then we add a custom route for each Sails api like this:
        • 'PATCH /individuals/:id': 'IndividualsController.update'
        • where Individuals is an existing model.

Additions (1) - Linking MySQL / MariaDB

In addition to setting up the above communication between Ember and Sails, I also created Sails models from a schema I had created earlier in MariaDB (essentially MySQL).

To create Sails models quickly I entered Sails project directory and ran the following:

 npm install --save sails-mysql
 npm install --save-dev sails-generate-models

Setup sails-mysql adapter

I updated the database details in config/connections.js to the MariaDB previously created.

  // someMysqlServer: { },
  someMysqlServer: {
    adapter:  'sails-mysql', // there's the adapter we npm installed
    host:     'localhost',
    user:     'user',
    password: 'password',
    database: 'vdi'
  • and pointed Sails towards it by updating config/models.js with:
  // connection: 'localDiskDb',
  connection: 'someMysqlServer', // the database name from connections.js

Generate Sails Models Fast!

Then in the Sails project folder I ran sails-generate-models; all my models and controllers are automatically generated using the details i added about in connection.js. Here's an example output:

# sails-generate-models

- Writing Accounts.js...
- Writing AccountsController.js...
- Writing Headings.js...
- Writing HeadingsController.js...

With any change to the database schema I just re-run sails-generate-models to keep Sails's models uptodate.

Additions (2) - Creating Ember Models

Creating models in Ember was simply a matter of calling ember-cli and adding stubs for expected fields from the backend.

Begin with ember g model individuals.

And update the model file app/models/individuals.js with fields:

import DS from 'ember-data';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';

export default DS.Model.extend({
  'first-name':    attr( ),
  'last-name':     attr( ),
  postcode:     attr( ),
  address1:     attr( ),
  address2:     attr( ),
  role:         attr( ),
  nationality:  attr( ),