
A buggy android calculator for demo purposes

Primary LanguageJava

Buggy calculator for demonstration purposes

I wrote this calculator to have a simple app for automation and also to demonstrate some common bugs in Android apps.

Known bugs

  • Invalid binary operation results in a crash. e.g., 1+=
  • In Landscape mode, you don't see lower buttons.

Compiling and running

MoQuality android-library dependency is needed for automation support.

cd <dir>
git clone https://github.com/moquality/android-library
git clone https://github.com/shauvik/Calculator
cd Calculator


./gradlew assembleDebug assembleDebugAndroidTest

Run all espresso tests

./gradlew cAT

Run just the robo test

./gradlew -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=com.shauvik.calc.RoboTest#roboTest cAT