Pinned Repositories
Xray panel supporting multi-protocol multi-user expire day & traffic & ip limit (Vmess & Vless & Trojan & ShadowSocks)
android nginx mysql pgsql php-fpm
PYSQL Tool meant to automate the Database restoration process with Python. This tool was designed as an automation tool for restoring Microsoft SQL Server Databases. The full script can be found in the file, but the tool itself can be found in Dist/PYSQL.exe. Download the .zip file with all contents and run the .exe, a command line interface will pop up and prompt questions through each process. So far this is a very standard script with not a lot of customization. The program is meant to: Locate the specified backup file on C:\ This means a User can place the .bak file on their Desktop and the program will find it and load it into a variable for later use Copy the .bak file from the original location to the SQL Server standard BACKUP folder. Current code utilizes the glob library to wildcard this path. In it's current form, it will not locate a custom Backup folder, only the standard Backup folder path. It also only registers the first path it finds, so if there are multiple SQL instances on one server, then it may not register the intended path. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server[wildcard for version number]\MSSQL\Backup" Working on changing the code to give it the ability to find the Backup folder used by the User no matter where it is at. Restore the Database to the User specified SQL Server instance. Utilizes the pyodbc library to make connections and run queries directly. User must supply the SQL Instance name, the name of the new Database, and whether to use Windows or SQL Authentication to connect. Windows Authentication: Connects using the current Windows User account. If the user has insufficient permissions to update SQL at any point, the program will error out and exit. SQL Authentication: Prompts the user to enter the Username and Password of a SQL Server account. If the user has insufficient permissions to update SQL at any point, the program will error out and exit. Runs a RESTORE [database] query that includes .mdf, .ndf, and .ldf files in the process. Names each of the files after the newly restored Database. Enter clean-up mode. So far this function is open to changes, but it's primary (and only) goal right now is to set a SQL user account to the db_owner group in SQL. Program will prompt the User to enter the SQL user account then continue. The above code confirms working on SQL Server 2008-2012 R2, have yet to test on 2014. Will refine code and README as things progress.
百度快排 - Baidu SEO
An open source ChatGPT UI.
dnspod_magisk模块,使用DNSPOD API实现域名动态解析ddns,每60秒执行一次脚本检测,支持本机ipv6,外网ipv4,使用前填写Token、域名参数到配置文件dnspod最底部。top大佬(酷安)
shavie's Repositories
android nginx mysql pgsql php-fpm
PYSQL Tool meant to automate the Database restoration process with Python. This tool was designed as an automation tool for restoring Microsoft SQL Server Databases. The full script can be found in the file, but the tool itself can be found in Dist/PYSQL.exe. Download the .zip file with all contents and run the .exe, a command line interface will pop up and prompt questions through each process. So far this is a very standard script with not a lot of customization. The program is meant to: Locate the specified backup file on C:\ This means a User can place the .bak file on their Desktop and the program will find it and load it into a variable for later use Copy the .bak file from the original location to the SQL Server standard BACKUP folder. Current code utilizes the glob library to wildcard this path. In it's current form, it will not locate a custom Backup folder, only the standard Backup folder path. It also only registers the first path it finds, so if there are multiple SQL instances on one server, then it may not register the intended path. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server[wildcard for version number]\MSSQL\Backup" Working on changing the code to give it the ability to find the Backup folder used by the User no matter where it is at. Restore the Database to the User specified SQL Server instance. Utilizes the pyodbc library to make connections and run queries directly. User must supply the SQL Instance name, the name of the new Database, and whether to use Windows or SQL Authentication to connect. Windows Authentication: Connects using the current Windows User account. If the user has insufficient permissions to update SQL at any point, the program will error out and exit. SQL Authentication: Prompts the user to enter the Username and Password of a SQL Server account. If the user has insufficient permissions to update SQL at any point, the program will error out and exit. Runs a RESTORE [database] query that includes .mdf, .ndf, and .ldf files in the process. Names each of the files after the newly restored Database. Enter clean-up mode. So far this function is open to changes, but it's primary (and only) goal right now is to set a SQL user account to the db_owner group in SQL. Program will prompt the User to enter the SQL user account then continue. The above code confirms working on SQL Server 2008-2012 R2, have yet to test on 2014. Will refine code and README as things progress.
Dockerized Webalizer
File manager in a single php file
Imapsync is an IMAP transfers tool. The purpose of imapsync is to migrate IMAP accounts or to backup IMAP accounts. IMAP is one of the three current standard protocols to access mailboxes, the two other are POP3 and HTTP with webmails, webmails are often tied to an IMAP server. Upstream website is
A 'MVC' model for ASP with JScript - MoAspEnginer. Also It is named as "MAE".
Java SSM 商户管理系统 客户管理 库存管理 销售报表 项目源码 本商品卖的是源码,合适的地方直接拿来使用,不合适的根据自己的需求二次开发 系统介绍: 1.系统采用主流的 SSM 框架 jsp JSTL bootstrap html5 (PC浏览器使用) 2.springmvc +spring4.2.5+ mybaits3.3 SSM 普通java web(非maven) 数据库:mysql 3.开发工具:myeclipse eclipse idea 均可, 没有限制. 我这边myeclipse 2014 导出来的项目源码 购买理由: 1.正好符合需求的 [应急] 正好符合需求的可以直接使用,需求差异不大的,稍微二次开发后再使用2.高手大神买来干私活用 [节约成本] 自己接个私活做个系统,全盘自己开发费事费力。不如129块钱一步到位 4.新手买来学习用 [学习] 模仿代码做一遍增删改查,研究下功能模块,学习下编程思路,会进步很快,少走弯路 5.外行人买了凑热闹 [不建议] 要求会java,能搭建java开发运行环境,并且有java的开发经验,不会java的还是别凑热闹了 这个价格不包教不包指导不包解答,只包原始代码正常运行,二次开发造成的问题不帮解决 业务模块 主页: 记录总进货额、总销售额、总销售利润、30天内销售金额 统计总客户数、30天新增客户数 图表统计(折线图和柱状图)展示从当前月份开始前12个月销售情况 1. 客户资料:记录客户资料,备注客户信息,跟踪记录客户状况 2. 客户备注:客户资料附属选项 3. 客户级别:客户资料附属选项 4. 商品列表:维护商品数据,有富文本编辑器,有明细表上传商品图片 5. 商品类别:商品附属选项 6. 品牌管理:商品附属选项 7. 计量单位:商品附属选项 8. 商品库存:展现商品库存情况,库存小的排最前 9. 商品入库:录入商品入库数据,数量、单价、入库时间。计算某时间范围内的进货总金额 10. 商品出库:(出库即销售)录入商品出库数量、销售价格、销售出库时间。计算某时间范围内的销售总金额 11. 库存盘点:柱状图展示商品库存情况,以便及时补仓 12. 销售报表:列表展示商品销售情况,可根据销量和销售额排序,以便掌握哪个商品卖的好并调整销售方案 系统模块 1. 权限管理:点开二级菜单进入三级菜单显示 角色(基础权限)和按钮权限 角色(基础权限): 分角色组和角色,独立分配菜单权限和增删改查权限。 按钮权限: 给角色分配按钮权限。 2. 按钮管理:自定义按钮管理,维护按钮权限标识等 3. 菜单管理:N级别自定义菜单,自定义菜单图标,业务菜单和系统菜单分离,菜单状态显示隐藏(递归处理) 4. 数据字典:N级别,支持多级别分类。内设编号,排序等 5. 在线管理:websocket技术,实时检测在线用户列表,统计在线人数,可强制用户下线 同一用户只能在一个客户端登录 6. 日志管理:记录用户登录退出和一些重要操作记录 7. 系统用户:对各个基本的用户增删改查,单发、群发站内信邮件短信,导入导出excel表格,查看商户经营状况 8. 性能监控:监控整个系统的性能,SQL监控,SQL防火墙,URL监控,SPRING监控,SESSION监控等 9. 图片管理:对批量上传的图片统一管理 ,点击放大,可打开多个,自由切换,绚丽预览效果 10. 图片爬虫:输入某网址,爬出其图片显示在页面上,可以放大预览。可保存到服务器上,到图片管理里面 11. 站内信:收信箱和发信箱, websocket技术通讯技术做的及时收信提醒,可配置语音提示来信 12. 系统设置:修改系统名称,邮件服务器配置,短信账号设置,图片水印配置 13. 数据库备份:可备份单表、整库,支持本地和远程数据库备份 14. 备份定时器:quartz 2.2 强大的任务调度,多线程备份数据库,任务启动关闭异步操作 15. 数据库还原:历史备份记录,还原数据库 or 单表 ,统计备份时间和文件大小 16. SQL编辑器:强大的SQL编辑器,支持编辑语句复杂查询语句,生成动态报表,可导出excel 菜单权限:分配给每个角色不同的菜单权限, 每个角色看到的菜单不同,N级别菜单 按钮权限:独立分配不同的角色不同的功能权限,增删改查权限分配具体到不同的菜单,自定义按钮管理 支持多用户分权限管理后台, 权限具体到不同的菜单不同的按钮 技术点 1. 导出 导入 excel 文件 2. IO 流上传下载文件 3. 群发邮件,可以发html、纯文本格式,可以发给任意邮箱(实现批量发送广告邮件) 4. 群发or单独 发送短信,支持两种第三方短信商接口 5. spring aop 事务处理 6. MD5加密 SHA加密(登录密码用此加密)接口加密身份校验 7. 数据库连接池 阿里的 druid。Druid在监控、可扩展性、稳定性和性能方面都有明显的优势,支持并发 8.加入安全框架 shiro (登录授权)(session管理) 9.根据汉字 解析汉字的全拼(拼音)和首字母(导入excel到用户表,根据用户的汉字姓名生成拼音的用户名) Quartz2.2 任务调度 11.Base64传输图片 12.图片加水印(图片水印,文字水印) 13.批量异步上传图片,可预览,有进度条,支持拖拽上传(百度webuploader )。列表动态滑动放大展示。 14.ehcache 自定义二级缓存 ,选择缓存存放目录,处理并发,增加系统性能 15.uploadify 上传插件,单条、批量上传多线程,带进度条,异步,图片、视频, 其它文件格式均可上传 16.tab标签页面功能,标签自由切换,不重复操作数据库 17.百度富文本编辑器,可上传图片 18.网页爬虫技术,可根据网页地址爬取图片和网页标题等信息(爬取某商城图片保存本服务器) websocket 即时通讯技术,点对点,群聊,单聊 20.HTML5 + JAVAEE WebSocket 通信技术,WebSocket 验证用户登录,强制某用户下线 21.站内信语音提醒,js控制音频播放 22.调用摄像头拍照技术,图片裁剪技术
Wrapper classes to parsehub REST api. Uses HTTPful for REST.
WHMCS 续费模块!
What is the IMAP Tools Set? It is a set of Perl programs for use with IMAP servers.
A socks5 proxy to build your own shadowsocks private network. PHP based & Composer supported.
Auto Install Shadowsocks Server for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
ShadowsocksR (SSR) native implementation for all platforms powered by libuv
Crawl given URL and generate sitemap.xml file
Swagger for Laravel
TaffyDB - an open source JavaScript Database for your browser
v2ray whmcs 多用户后端
A plugin for WHMCS to sell v2ray
WHMCS 7.4.1 fully ioncube decoded
WHMCS支付网关 - 支付宝
FreeRADIUS server module for WHMCS
This is an open-source version of the Gateway Fees plugin for WHMCS, it will allow you to set percentage fees on prices of your product in WHMCS.
whmcs shadowsocks plugin
decoded version of whmcs v.6.3.1 [ this is a study material ]
Zephir is a compiled high level language aimed to the creation of C-extensions for PHP