
Single-page-app email client using JavaScript and Django API's.

Primary LanguagePython


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Single-page-app email client using JavaScript and Django API's.

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Getting Started

  • clone or download the repo and cd into the directory.
  • Run python manage.py makemigrations mail to make migrations for the mail app.
  • Run python manage.py migrate to apply migrations to your database.
  • Run python manage.py runserver to run the server in your local machine.


  • Single page responsive mail client.
  • User can register and login to the website.
  • After logging in user can send and receive emails.
  • Inbox, Compose, Sent, and Archive are the views that are available.
  • In Inbox mails can be:
    • Viewed fully.
    • Archived.
    • Replied to.
    • Marked as read automatically on opening mail.
  • In Sent mails can be:
    • Viewed fully.
    • Replied to.
  • In Archive mails can be:
    • Unarchived.


  • GET /emails/<str:mailbox> : Sending a GET request to /emails/<mailbox> where <mailbox> is either inbox, sent, or archive will return back to you (in JSON form) a list of all emails in that mailbox, in reverse chronological order.
  • GET /emails/<int:email_id> : Sending a GET request to /emails/email_id where email_id is an integer id for an email will return a JSON representation of the email if it exists.
  • POST /emails : To send an email, a POST request to the /emails route is made. This requires three pieces of data to be submitted: a recipients value (a comma-separated string of all users to send an email to), a subject string, and a body string.
  • PUT /emails/<int:email_id> : SendingPUT request to /emails/email_id where email_id is the id of the email you’re trying to modify is used to modify the status of each email.