
Web application built in React and Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It's currently running on https://thawing-mountain-65623.herokuapp.com/ (当前正在heroku上部署并运行)

This is a web application built in React and Node.js.

This project allows startup owners to collect feedback via email responses and get a tabulation of results. User flow:

  1. User signs in with Google OAuth (用户通过Google OAuth登陆)
  2. Pays for credits using Stripe(点击右上角的ADD CREDITS进行支付,可用测试卡信息填写测试 4242424242424242 10/23 123)
  3. Creates survey (创建问卷)
  4. Fill in the information of survey and the recipients list (emails split by a comma ',') (填写问卷相关信息,注意邮箱应该用,分隔开)
  5. Emails sent to list (确认发送问卷)
  6. Recipients click link in email to give feedback (收件人可以在邮箱中点击Yes或No,会被重定向到感谢投票的链接并将答案记录在数据库内)
  7. Users can see the collected feedback on their Dashboard (用户可以在面板查看已发出的问卷和结果)


Build in Local Environment

git clone https://github.com/shawPLUSroot/Emaily.git

Make sure you are currently inside the directory where the project you just cloned. Now you need to create a new file inside the config folder named dev.js and it should be like this:

module.exports = { googleClientID : 'XXX', googleClientSecert: 'XXX', mongoURI: 'XXX', stripePublishableKey: 'XXXX', stripeSecretKey: 'XXX', sendGridKey:'XXX', redirectDomain: "http:localhost:3000" };

You should fill in the secert and key of your own.

npm run dev