
Training labs for the JavaScript and jQuery Foundations Virtual Training

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Inside of the labs folder (structure detailed below) you will notice several directories. The labs related to our training include:

  • 01-find-something
  • 02-jquery-methods
  • 04-manipulation

Each lab folder includes a reference file to compare your answers against once you've completed the exercise.

The following is a ascii visualization of the exercise file structure, to better help you understand where exercises are located.

|  |--libs/                  # Supporting libraries such as jQuery
|  |--labs/                  # Folder of all the labs
|     |--01-find-something/  # Lab name
|        |--lab.js           # File where you put your answers to the lab
|        |--lab.reference.js # Reference file to compare against
|        |--lab.tests.html   # Unit Test Runner to run against your answers
|        |--lab.tests.js     # Unit Tests that check youre answers
|     |--...                 # Additional labs
|     |--common/             # JavaScript files necessary to run the labs
|  |--index.html             # Twitter Application markup that should be used to help solve the labs
|  |--css/                   # Styles necessary for the Twitter application to look and function


HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery Certification



Unit Testing





Libraries & Plugins

  • Underscore.js for functional programming helper methods
  • QUnit for unit testing
  • Pavlov for behavior driven unit testing (Requires QUnit)
  • Mockjax for existing $.ajax applications
  • MockJSON for generation of JSON testing data
  • AmplifyJS for local storage, pub/sub, and advanced AJAX and Mocking support
  • PostalJS is a message bus for the front-end
  • doTimeout for extra control over JavaScript timers


  • JSFiddle is a nice social way to share, test, debug code
  • JSBin is another nice tool to share, test, debug code
  • CodePen is another nice tool to share, test, debug code
  • JSLint for the original JavaScript code quality tool
  • JSHint for a less opinionated community driven fork of JSLint
