All blogs are published in Toward Data Science for which I am an official author. Except for my first blog, all blogs are restricted to paid members only. Non-members can only read up to a certain limit per month.
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Beyond A/B Testing: Multi-armed Bandit Experiments (7 min read)
Implementing Google Analytics’ stochastic k-armed bandit test with Thompson sampling and Monte Carlo simulation
Seeding Viral Growth: An Application of Graph Embedding (6 min read)
Simulating different seeding techniques to maximize information diffusion in a network
Feature Engineering in SQL and Python: A Hybrid Approach (5 min read)
Reduce workspace clutter, maintain a clean namespace, and effortlessly keep your dataset up-to-date
Visualizing Beta Distribution and Bayesian Updating (3 min read)
Seeing is believing: build intuition by simulating everything, visualizing everything, and inspecting everything
Understanding Confidence Interval (5 min read)
Think frequentist, not Bayesian: a simulation of one million experiments on Udacity engagement dataset
The Power of A/B Testing (5 min read)
A visual summary of how sample size, effect size and significance level affect the power of A/B testing
A Graph DB Case Study: Chinese Idioms (5 min read)
Build a Neo4J Graph Database Application with 20 Lines of Python