
All blogs are published in Toward Data Science for which I am an official author. This page contains friend links to directly access all my Medium blog posts without limit or membership requirement.

Data Science Blogs

All blogs are published in Toward Data Science for which I am an official author. Except for my first blog, all blogs are restricted to paid members only. Non-members can only read up to a certain limit per month.

This page contains friend links to directly access all my Medium blog posts without limit or membership requirement.

Beyond A/B Testing: Multi-armed Bandit Experiments (7 min read)

Implementing Google Analytics’ stochastic k-armed bandit test with Thompson sampling and Monte Carlo simulation alt-text

Seeding Viral Growth: An Application of Graph Embedding (6 min read)

Simulating different seeding techniques to maximize information diffusion in a network


Feature Engineering in SQL and Python: A Hybrid Approach (5 min read)

Reduce workspace clutter, maintain a clean namespace, and effortlessly keep your dataset up-to-date


Visualizing Beta Distribution and Bayesian Updating (3 min read)

Seeing is believing: build intuition by simulating everything, visualizing everything, and inspecting everything alt-text

Understanding Confidence Interval (5 min read)

Think frequentist, not Bayesian: a simulation of one million experiments on Udacity engagement dataset alt-text

The Power of A/B Testing (5 min read)

A visual summary of how sample size, effect size and significance level affect the power of A/B testing alt-text

A Graph DB Case Study: Chinese Idioms (5 min read)

Build a Neo4J Graph Database Application with 20 Lines of Python alt-text