The projects are ordered by the progression of the course, from easy to advanced.
- node_app: run minimum nodejs app with port mapping
- first_demo: minimum nodejs app that returns a greeting message
- node_html_app: build and tag image, run container and expose port
- python-app: calculate BMI in an interactive shell
- [assignment-1](./assignment-1/: dockerize a node app with exposed port, and python app with interactive cmd interface
- data-volumes: anonymous volume, named volume, bind mount
- networks: create network and place containers into the same network. Expose port to outside if needed
- multi-container-app: front-end, back-end, db container wired together; deploy uisng AWS ECS
- utility-containers: use docker to initialize things without global install
- laravel-php: a non-trivial tech stack made easy by docker
- deployment: deploy a node app on EC2 and make it publicly viewable, push image to docker hub
- kube: intro to K8s object, Pod, Node, Deploymenmt, Service
- kube-data: using hostPath, persistent volume (claim)
- kube-network: create 3 node apps, place them in 2 pods; try intra & inter-pod communication
- docker cheatsheet: various docker command
- concept: quick summary of concept, no code