
pianobarproxy is a simple SOCKS5 shim for pianobar

Primary LanguageGo


-- Command pianobarproxy is a simple SOCKS5 shim for pianobar.

This lets you proxy pianobar through ssh (or any SOCKS5 provider).

# Start your SOCKS5 proxy via ssh:
ssh -v -D localhost:9080 -C -N example.com

# Start pianobarproxy:
pianobarproxy -socks5 :9080

# Add the following to $HOME/.config/pianobar/config:
proxy = http://localhost:9090


go get github.com/robertkrimen/pianobarproxy



Usage of pianobarproxy:
    -listen="localhost:9090": The listening address
    -socks5="localhost:1080": The address of the SOCKS5 proxy


Additional script not part of upstream.
Starts/stops an Amazon EC2 instance on demand, then starts pianobarproxy
Needs an existing EC2 instance. 
Usage is ./piano-proxy.sh {start|stop}