
A C++ await/yield emulation library for stackless coroutine

Primary LanguageC++

CO2 - Coroutine II Try it online

A header-only C++ stackless coroutine emulation library, providing interface close to N4286.



Many of the concepts are similar to N4286, if you're not familiar with the proposal, please read the paper first.

A coroutine written in this library looks like below:

auto function(Args... args) CO2_BEG(return_type, (args...), locals...)

function is really just a plain-old function, you can forward declare it as usual:

auto function(Args... args) -> return_type;
return_type function(Args... args); // same as above

Of course, lambda expressions can be used as well:

[](Args... args) CO2_BEG(return_type, (args...), locals...)

The coroutine body has to be surrounded with 2 macros: CO2_BEG and CO2_END.

The macro CO2_BEG requires you to provide some parameters:

  • return-type - the function's return-type, e.g. co2::task<>
  • captures - a list of comma separated args with an optional new clause, e.g. (a, b) new(alloc)
  • locals - a list of local-variable definitions, e.g. int a;

If there's no captures and locals, it looks like:

CO2_BEG(return_type, ())

You can intialize the local variables as below:

auto f(int i) CO2_BEG(return_type, (i),
    int i2 = i * 2;
    std::string msg{"hello"};
    // coroutine-body

However, the () form cannot be used here, e.g. int i2(i * 2);, due to some implementation restrictions. Besides, auto deduced variable cannot be used directly, i.e. auto var{expr};, you have to use CO2_AUTO(var, expr) instead.

Note that in this emulation, local variables intialization happens before initial_suspend, and if any exception is thrown during the intialization, set_exception won't be called, instead, the exception will propagate to the caller directly.

By default, the library allocates memory for coroutines using std::allocator, you can specify the allocator by appending the new clause after the args-list, for example:

template<class Alloc>
auto coro(Alloc alloc, int i) CO2_BEG(return_type, (i) new(alloc))

The alloc doesn't have to appear in the args-list if it's not used inside the coroutine-body. The new clause accepts an expression that evaluates to an Allocator, it's not restricted to identifiers as in the args-list.

Inside the coroutine body, there are some restrictions:

  • local variables with automatic storage cannot cross suspend-resume points - you should specify them in local variables section of CO2_BEG as described above
  • return should be replaced with CO2_RETURN/CO2_RETURN_FROM
  • try-catch block surrouding suspend-resume points should be replaced with CO2_TRY & CO2_CATCH
  • identifiers starting with _co2_ are reserved for this library

After defining the coroutine body, remember to close it with CO2_END.

await & yield

In CO2, await is implemented as a statement instead of an expression due to the emulation limitation, and it has 4 variants: CO2_AWAIT, CO2_AWAIT_SET, CO2_AWAIT_LET and CO2_AWAIT_RETURN.

  • CO2_AWAIT(expr)

Equivalent to await expr.

  • CO2_AWAIT_SET(var, expr)

Equivalent to var = await expr.

  • CO2_AWAIT_LET(var-decl, expr, body)

This is to eliminate the need of a local variable, for example:

CO2_AWAIT_LET(auto i, task,
  • CO2_AWAIT_RETURN(expr)

Equivalent to return await expr.

  • CO2_AWAIT_APPLY(f, expr)

Equivalent to f(await expr), where f can be a unary function or macro.

Note - If your compiler supports Statement Expression extension (e.g. GCC & Clang), you can use CO2_AWAIT as an expression. However, don't use more than one CO2_AWAIT in a single statement, and don't use it as an argument of a function in company with other arguments.

  • CO2_YIELD(expr)

Equivalent to CO2_AWAIT(<this-promise>.yield_value(expr)), as how yield is defined in N4286.

  • CO2_SUSPEND(fn)

Suspend the coroutine with the callable object fn. This signature of fn is the same as await_suspend.

The fact that await in CO2 is not an expression has an implication on object lifetime, consider this case:

await something{temporaries} and something holds references to temporaries.

It's safe if await is an expression as in N4286, but in CO2, CO2_AWAIT(something{temporaries}) is an emulated statement, the temporaries will go out of scope.

Besides, the awaiter itself has to be stored somewhere, by default, CO2 reserves (sizeof(pointer) + sizeof(int)) * 2 bytes for that, if the size of awaiter is larger than that, dynamic allocation will be used. If the default size is too large or too small for you, you can specify the desired size with CO2_TEMP_SIZE anywhere in the local variables section:

auto f() CO2_BEG(return_type, (),

If you want to avoid dynamic allocation, you can define CO2_WARN_DYN_ALLOC to turn on dynamic allocation warning and enlarge CO2_TEMP_SIZE accordingly.

Replacements for normal language constructs

Sometimes you can't use the normal language constructs directly, in such cases, you need to use the macro replacements instead.


  • return -> CO2_RETURN()
  • return non-void-expr -> CO2_RETURN(non-void-expr)
  • return maybe-void-expr -> CO2_RETURN_FROM(maybe-void-expr) (useful in generic code)
  • return local-variable -> CO2_RETURN_LOCAL(local-variable) (RV w/o explicit move)


Needed only if the try-block is involved with the suspend-resume points.

CO2_TRY {...}
CO2_CATCH (std::runtime_error& e) {...}
catch (std::exception& e) {...}

Note that only the first catch clause needs to be spelled as CO2_CATCH, the subsequent ones should use the plain catch.


Needed only if the switch-body is involved with the suspend-resume points.

CO2_SWITCH (which,
case 1,
case N,

Note that break is still needed if you don't want the control flow to go through the subsequent cases, also note that continue cannot be used in CO2_SWITCH to continue the outer loop due to some implementation details.

Difference from N4286

  • Unlike coroutine_handle in N4286 which has raw-pointer semantic (i.e. no RAII), coroutine has unique-semantic (move-only).
  • coroutine_traits depends on return_type only.

Additional customization points for promise_type

  • void cancel()

This allows you specify the behavior of the coroutine when it is cancelled (i.e. when cancellation_requested() returns true or coroutine is reset).

  • bool try_suspend()

This is called before the coroutine is suspended, if it returns false, the coroutine won't be suspended, instead, it will be cancelled. However, it won't be called for final_suspend.

  • bool try_resume()

This is called before the coroutine is resumed, if it returns false, the coroutine won't be resumed, instead, it will be detached.

  • bool try_cancel()

This is called before the coroutine is reset, if it returns false, the coroutine won't be cancelled, instead, it will be detached.



  • #include <co2/coroutine.hpp>
  • #include <co2/generator.hpp>
  • #include <co2/recursive_generator.hpp>
  • #include <co2/task.hpp>
  • #include <co2/shared_task.hpp>
  • #include <co2/lazy_task.hpp>
  • #include <co2/sync/event.hpp>
  • #include <co2/sync/critical_section.hpp>
  • #include <co2/sync/work_group.hpp>
  • #include <co2/sync/when_all.hpp>
  • #include <co2/sync/when_any.hpp>
  • #include <co2/blocking.hpp>
  • #include <co2/adapted/boost_future.hpp>
  • #include <co2/adapted/boost_optional.hpp>
  • #include <co2/utility/stack_allocator.hpp>


  • CO2_BEG
  • CO2_END
  • CO2_TRY
  • CO2_AUTO


  • co2::coroutine_traits<R>
  • co2::coroutine<Promise>
  • co2::generator<T>
  • co2::recursive_generator<T>
  • co2::task<T>
  • co2::shared_task<T>
  • co2::lazy_task<T>
  • co2::event
  • co2::critical_section
  • co2::work_group
  • co2::suspend_always
  • co2::suspend_never
  • co2::stack_manager
  • co2::stack_buffer<Bytes>
  • co2::stack_allocator<T>



Define a generator

auto range(int i, int e) CO2_BEG(co2::generator<int>, (i, e))
    for ( ; i != e; ++i)

For those interested in the black magic, here is the preprocessed output (formatted for reading).

Use a generator

for (auto i : range(1, 10))
    std::cout << i << ", ";

Recursive Generator

Same example as above, using recursive_generator with custom allocator:

template<class Alloc>
auto recursive_range(Alloc alloc, int a, int b)
CO2_BEG(co2::recursive_generator<int>, (alloc, a, b) new(alloc),
    int n = b - a;
    if (n <= 0)

    if (n == 1)

    n = a + n / 2;
    CO2_YIELD(recursive_range(alloc, a, n));
    CO2_YIELD(recursive_range(alloc, n, b));

We use stack_allocator here:

co2::stack_buffer<64 * 1024> buf;
co2::stack_allocator<> alloc(buf);
for (auto i : recursive_range(alloc, 1, 10))
    std::cout << i << ", ";

Task scheduling

It's very easy to write a generic task that can be used with different schedulers. For example, a fib task that works with concurrency::task_group and tbb::task_group can be defined as below:

template<class Scheduler>
auto fib(Scheduler& sched, int n) CO2_BEG(co2::task<int>, (sched, n),
    co2::task<int> a, b;
    // Schedule the continuation.
    CO2_SUSPEND([&](co2::coroutine<>& c) { sched.run([h = c.detach()]{ co2::coroutine<>{h}(); }); });
    // From now on, the code is executed on the Scheduler.
    if (n >= 2)
        a = fib(sched, n - 1);
        b = fib(sched, n - 2);
        CO2_AWAIT_SET(n, a);
        CO2_AWAIT_APPLY(n +=, b);

PPL Usage

concurrency::task_group sched;
auto val = fib(sched, 16);
std::cout << "ans: " << co2::get(val);

TBB Usage

tbb::task_group sched;
auto val = fib(sched, 16);
std::cout << "ans: " << co2::get(val);

ASIO echo server

This example uses the sister library act to change ASIO style callback into await.

auto session(asio::ip::tcp::socket sock) CO2_BEG(void, (sock),
    char buf[1024];
    std::size_t len;
    act::error_code ec;
        std::cout << "connected: " << sock.remote_endpoint() << std::endl;
        for ( ; ; )
            CO2_AWAIT_SET(len, act::read_some(sock, asio::buffer(buf), ec));
            if (ec == asio::error::eof)
            CO2_AWAIT(act::write(sock, asio::buffer(buf, len)));
    CO2_CATCH (std::exception& e)
        std::cout << "error: " << sock.remote_endpoint() << ": " << e.what() << std::endl;

auto server(asio::io_service& io, unsigned short port) CO2_BEG(void, (io, port),
    asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint{asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port};
    asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor{io, endpoint};
    asio::ip::tcp::socket sock{io};
    std::cout << "server running at: " << endpoint << std::endl;
    for ( ; ; )
        CO2_AWAIT(act::accept(acceptor, sock));


The overhead of context-switch. See benchmark.cpp.

Sample run (VS2015 Update 3, boost 1.63.0, 64-bit release build):

Run on (4 X 3200 MHz CPU s)
Benchmark                  Time           CPU Iterations
bench_coroutine2         82 ns         80 ns    8960000
bench_co2                  6 ns          6 ns  112000000
bench_msvc                 5 ns          5 ns  112000000

Lower is better.



Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Jamboree

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)