
Primary LanguageShell

bootd - the lite version of bootc

bootc is a great project, and I really like the idea of "Boot and upgrade via container images". However, due to the developement history bootc is highly related with ostree and many other projects.

bootd would provide a simple way just rely on systemd / drucat / grub / composefs make boot from container image as simple as possible. It only handles mount oci composefs as sysroot. The final goal is merged back to bootc project.

There are three parts

  • build: build image from Containerfile, need handle kernel/initramfs(dracut)
  • deploy: grub bls BootLoaderSpec
  • boot: dracut module

Prepare Containerfile

bootc don't support the way https://github.com/containers/bootc/blob/main/docs/src/bootc-images.md

FROM fedora
RUN dnf -y install kernel

But this way is really simple and can adoptable for most distroful Containerfile. In order to boot, bootd still need add few requirements.


  • require composefs
    • cfs-prepare-sysroot
  • kernel / initramfs (dracut)
ARG base=docker.io/library/ubuntu:rolling

FROM $base as composefs
# prepare composefs

FROM $base
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y systemd ostree dracut
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y linux-image-generic

COPY --from=composefs /cfs/target/usr /usr

RUN mkdir -p /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d
COPY dracut.d /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/80cfs-prepare-root

podman build -t localhost/bootc-ubuntu:latest . -f images/Containerfile.ubuntu
podman image mount localhost/bootc-ubuntu:latest

ln -s  sysroot/composefs composefs

mkcomposefs /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/98cf94224120f2355d5efc4df25632f6789c3b251f52cc0893562f959d72a7f6/merged --digest-store=/sysroot/composefs/repo /sysroot/composefs/images/bootc-cs9.cfs