Movie Website Generator

This takes a movie list on TheMovieDB and turns it into a website. An example can be seen here.


This generator requires you to have an account, movie list, and API key at You can get an API key in your TheMovieDB settings. You can create a new movie list from your account.

Once you have these set up, follow the steps below. You'll need your v3 API key and list ID below.


First, clone this repository:

git clone

Or download it using the green "Clone or download" button above and then clicking "Download ZIP".

Once you have the repository downloaded, you'll need to create a new file in the project directory. The file needs to be named and include your API key and list ID with these variable names:

themoviedb_list_id = "XXXXX"
themoviedb_v3_api_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

To start, you can use my list ID 35496 as an example, but you will need your own API key.

Once the config file is set up, you can generate your site by running:


Modifying the site

You can modify the styles and title of the site in the file.