
A Puzzle Box using ciphers, mechanics, and Arduino

Primary LanguageC++

Custom Puzzle Box

This project is an attempt to build my skills in rapid prototyping, including laser cutting, 3D modeling and printing, and Arduino applications.

Final product


  • Magnet grid, with 30 positions, and 5 magnets (142,506 possible conbinations)
  • Plug board with 10 numbered connectors, accepting 6 ordered pairs of digits (9,366,819 possible combinations)
  • Screw panel, inaccessible without the correct tool
  • Grille cipher, with double-sided grille
  • Decryption cipher, with 5 unique two-sided gears (1,054,460 gear setup combinations)
    • 60 gear trio choices, 17,576 letter orientations
  • Reversible drawer causing another drawer to open
  • Hidden-in-plain-sight puzzles


Video of solution

Design Process

You can see the progress in creating the physical box components on the process readme.