cd ~/dev
git clone git@github.com:theironyard-frontend-nashville/frontend-boilerplate.git <projectname>
replacing with your own project name. -
cd <projectname>
rm -rf .git
git init
Create a new repo on Github.com and add the remote.
npm install
- This will install the node dependencies for you, and will also install any bower components.
- This will also run the gulp build process to create the dist folder.
If you have any scss or js files that you want to automatically transpile, then run the command:
gulp watch
If you would like to build the dist/
folder and then watch for file changes, then run the command:
This will run:
- watch
- lint
- babel
- sass
If you want to validate your Javascript code and it's style against the AirBnb style guide, then run the command:
gulp lint
If you want to compile your SASS (.scss files), then run the command:
gulp sass
If you want to compile your ES6/ES7 (ES2015/17) Javascript code to ES5 to use new Javascript features now before the browser supports them, then run this command:
gulp babel
If you want to deploy your project (dist folder) to GitHub pages, then run this command:
gulp deploy