Iron Yard Front End Boilerplate


  • cd ~/dev

  • git clone <projectname> replacing with your own project name.

  • cd <projectname>

  • rm -rf .git

  • git init

  • Create a new repo on and add the remote.

  • npm install

    • This will install the node dependencies for you, and will also install any bower components.
    • This will also run the gulp build process to create the dist folder.

Listening for file changes:

If you have any scss or js files that you want to automatically transpile, then run the command: gulp watch

Build and watch

If you would like to build the dist/ folder and then watch for file changes, then run the command: gulp

This will run:

  • watch
  • lint
  • babel
  • sass

Lint (JSCS) our Javascript

If you want to validate your Javascript code and it's style against the AirBnb style guide, then run the command: gulp lint

Compile SASS

If you want to compile your SASS (.scss files), then run the command: gulp sass

Transpile ES6 code to ES5

If you want to compile your ES6/ES7 (ES2015/17) Javascript code to ES5 to use new Javascript features now before the browser supports them, then run this command: gulp babel

Deploy your project to GitHub Pages

If you want to deploy your project (dist folder) to GitHub pages, then run this command: gulp deploy