
Deploying asterion digital infrastructure to aws using pulumi

Primary LanguagePython

Asterion as code

Need to deploy some asterion digital infrastructure or applications? Then you are in the right place! This repository stores the end to end documented processes for deploying asterion infrastructure or applications.

Installing pre-requisites

Before you dive into deployments, there are some pre-requisites you’ll need, these are listed below:

Pulumi cli

Before we begin we should ensure we have the latest version of the pulumi cli utility installed. Asterion digital uses pulumi for modern infrastructure as code using python.

The helper script below will install the pulumi cli to /home/$USER/.pulumi/bin and add it to your $PATH.

# Run installation script
curl -fsSL https://get.pulumi.com | sh

# Verify version installed
pulumi version

Please note that you’ll also need to create a Pulumi account, and then a Pulumi access token to be able to authenticate with the Pulumi provider service upon first connection.

Amazon web services cli

Asterion infra development environments are deployed on aws. To interact with aws you will need the aws cli.

# Download the binary
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"

# Unzip and install
unzip awscliv2.zip && sudo ./aws/install

# Clean up
rm -rf awscliv2.zip aws

Raspberry Pi Infrastructure

Asterion infra development environments can also be deployed on a Raspberry Pi. Use the following RPI guide to setup this infrastructure quickly and easily.