Web interface for SQLgrey built on Laravel 5

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Web interface for SQLgrey using the Laravel 5 Framework.


  • Dashboard: quick overview of emails / domains in greylist, whitelist, opt-out and opt-in
  • Greylist: delete entries or move them to the whitelist
  • Whitelist: add sender emails or sender domains to prevent them from being greylisted and delivered directly
  • Opt-out: define emails or domains you don't want greylisting to be enabled for
  • Opt-in: define emails or domains for which you want to enforce greylisting permanently
  • Option of using seperate databases for SQLgrey and the application itself. This way you can maintain a user database in a single place and use it with all installations of SQLgreyGUI. In addition you don't need to alter the SQLgrey database at all.


  • working SQLgrey setup
  • Webserver (e.g. Apache) and Database (e.g. MySQL)
  • PHP >= 5.5.9

Installation in 7 simple steps

  1. grab a copy of the code (download master.zip or use git clone https://github.com/lbausch/SQLgreyGUI.git)
  2. make your webserver use the public directory as document root
  3. copy .env.example to .env and adjust it to your needs (APP_URL, APP_TIMEZONE, APP_KEY and database settings)
  4. run composer install --no-dev to install all necessary dependencies
  5. set a new application key with php artisan key:generate
  6. run php artisan migrate --seed --force to create the database tables and an admin user
  7. login with the username admin and the password joh316 (you can change the password in "Settings")


Dasboard Auto-Whitelist

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