
My personal dotfiles for Ubuntu

Primary LanguageShell

.dotfiles (Ubuntu)

The term "dotfiles" refers to a user's personal configurations to various programs they have running on their system. These configurations respectively are for Ubuntu.

Table of Contents

Start Here

This installation method intelligently makes use of GNU Stow, which is required for installation. If you do not already have this package, install it.

Note: If you're not already familiar with stow, I highly recommend learning how to make use of it on Unix-like systems whether you're a professional or a power user.

apt install stow

You will also need Git.

apt install git

Clone this repo into your $HOME directory using SSH and cd into it.

git clone git@github.com:shawnkhoffman/.dotfiles-ubuntu.git
cd .dotfiles-ubuntu

Initial Setup


Simply run the setup.sh script and follow the instructions at the prompt.

You will first be asked if you want to initialize the submodules for this repo. This is a prerequisite for installing most of the dotfiles.

Once the initial setup is complete, it will give you the option of automatically starting the installer script (installer.sh).


Initialize the git submodules from within the root of the repo.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Installing/Uninstalling dotfiles

After the initial setup is complete, installing/uninstalling is a very straightforward process; simply execute the installer.sh script and follow the instructions at the prompt.