- Overview
- Features
- How does this work?
- Project Reflection
- How To Contribute
- Instructions for Running Project
- Authors and Contributors
The goal of this group project that was made for Module 2 at Turing School of Software and Design is refactor an existing code-base that was previously set up and not working, and create a functional application.
To solidify and demonstrate the understanding of:
- Building on top of a pre-existing code base that someone else wrote.
- Make network requests to API endpoints to retrieve and manipulate data.
- Ensure the application follows accessibility.
- Use Sass to DRY up CSS.
- Incorporate Webpack compiler
- This project fetches data from an API so you will need to begin by cloning down the API and running it.
- Clone the API by running git clone git@github.com:turingschool/What-s-cookin--starter-kit-API.git
- CD into that directory, run npm install and then npm start. You should see “What's cookin-starter-kit API is now running on http://localhost:3001 !”
- Open a NEW terminal tab and cd somewhere outside of the API repo you just cloned. Do not close the tab that is running the API.
- Clone a copy of this repo to your machine by running git clone git@github.com:clairefields15/whats-cookin.git
- CD into the directory
- Run npm install
- Run npm start
- A link will appear in the terminal similar to http://localhost:8080/ (you might see 8081). Open that link in your browser.
Demonstration of the app:
Testing Frameworks Mocha & Chai
- Tested with Lighthouse
- Successfully applying TDD in order to confirm our logic using a smaller dataset before implementing the functionality to the page and using a larger dataset.
- Applying a divide and conquer approach as a group in order to strengthen our individual and shared learning goals.
- Ensuring that we created small, actionanable steps in order to approach this large project.
- Ability to add any missing ingredients to a grocery list.
- Add a log-in screen.
- add a seven day calendar to the cooking queue page.
Lourdes Mendoza GH |
Claire Fields GH |
Shawn GH |