This is a Weekend Fun Project, basically a personal hack-a-thon to see how fast I can cobble together a quick API. I'm starting with the Deck of Cards API because it's fun, it's already designed, and fairly simply in it's operations.
- Do something fun
- Can I hook up Azure DevOps to notify me (personally) of changes?
- How well does Postman work with .NET C#?
- Hook up Azure DevOps to to flash my Hue Go on build break
- Hook up Azure DevOps to DuckyAPI to light up my keyboard on a build break
- Can we use VWAC ADO resources for personal learnings like this?
- Can I expense the account even though it's under my personal e-mail?
(live stream, clean up later, focus Shawn)
- porting the Deck of Cards API to .NET Core 3.1 (or 5, I haven't decided).
- I like cards
- already has a well defined API
- started w/ Postman but didn't like the "blank slate" start
- switched to, seems to have similar features
- upgraded to $99/mo to try out Azure DevOps integration
- I should import DoC OpenAPI to better model VWAC but that's less fun on a Sat.
- forget trying for ADO, requires $399 pro plan
- good reason to switch to Github vs. ADO for source control?
- need to figure out how to pull the OpenAPI spec file for importing 🐱🏍
- need to pull VWAC OpenAPI spec files and make sure they're valid
Why did I do that?
- start with a stock C# web API or jump right to Functions?
- Functions because I have less experience with them
- ADO or Github?
- ADO so it's applicable to my M-F
Things for me to watch out for that defocus my time.
- is it defocus on unfocus?
- spent 10min trying to once again redo how I organize my notes, stop it
- spent 10min browsing themes in sublime then remembered I prefer vscode
- swapped Consoles for Cascadia Code, is it better?
- started Firefly
- spent 10min reorganizing this damn file
- make that 15min
- Do the Postman "Designing and mocking APIs" lessons, simple and quick
- Register for Postman 101 for Developers