
Set of phase retrieval algorithms developed in my thesis and implemented in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Phase retrieval optimization algorithms

The repository contains a set of phase retrieval algorithms developed in the thesis [Chapter 4] and implemented in Python.


To install the library, execute

pip install git+https://gitlab.com/shaxov/phrt_opt

Problem formulation

Let $A\in\mathbb{C}^{m\times n}$ be a transmission matrix and $b\in\mathbb{R}^{m}_+$ be a vector of the square root of the intensity measurements, $m > n$. Then the problem is written as

$$\text{Find} \; x\in\mathbb{C}^n \; \text{such that} \; |Ax| = b.$$

Typically, the number of measurements $m$ must be such that $m \geq 4n$ to find $x$. The transmission matrix $A$ must be a random matrix where real and imaginary parts of $a_{ij}$ must have a normal distribution.

To generate a phase retrieval problem the following Python code can be used.
import numpy as np

n = 8
m = 8 * n

# Transmission matrix
tm = np.random.randn(m, n) + 1j * np.random.randn(m, n)

# Solution vector
x = np.random.randn(n, 1) + 1j * np.random.randn(n, 1)

# Vector of intensity measurements
b = np.abs(tm @ x)

Implemented algorithms

The library contains four phase retrieval algorithms: gradient descent, Gauss-Newton, alterating projections, and ADMM. Each of these algorithms solve the original problem using its different equivalent reformulations.

Gradient descent

Section 4.2

The equivalent reformulation of the original problem writes

\min_{x\in\mathbb{C}^n} f(x):=\frac{1}{2}\||Ax|^2 - b^2\|^2.

The algorithm is a simple gradient descent $x^{(k+1)} = x^{(k)} - \alpha^{(k)} \nabla f(x^{(k)})$, where

\nabla f(x) = \frac{1}{m}A^*\big[(|Ax|^2-b^2)\odot Ax \big],

is caclucated by means of Wirtinger calculus and $\odot$ operator means component by component multiplication of two vectors.

To use the gradient descent method the following Python code can be used.

import phrt_opt

x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.gradient_descent(tm, b)


The step length $\alpha^{(k)}$ can be calculated using:

  • backtracking line-search (Armijo)
x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.gradient_descent(
    tm, b,
  • line-search, which is based on a secant equation (Barzilai and Borwein).
x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.gradient_descent(
    tm, b,


Section 4.3

The equivalent reformulation of the original problem writes

\min_{x\in\mathbb{C}^n} f(x):=\frac{1}{2m}\||Ax|^2 - b^2\|^2.

Following the general scheme of Gauss-Newton method, we denote a residual function $r:\mathbb{C}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^m_+$ as

r(x) = |Ax|^2 - b^2,

and its jacobian matrix in terms of Wirtinger calculus writes as

\nabla r(x) = 
    A\odot \bar{A}\bar{x} & \bar{A}\odot Ax
\subset \mathbb{C}^{m\times 2n},

Then, the descent direction $p\in\mathbb{C}^{2n}$ is a solution of the system

\nabla r(x)^* \nabla r(x) p = - \nabla r(x)^* r(x).

Then $x^{(k+1)} = x^{(k)} + \alpha^{(k)} p^{(k)}_{1:n}$, where subscript $_{1:n}$ means that we take the first $n$ elements of vector $p$. The step length $\alpha^{(k)}$ can be computed in the same way as for the gradient descent method.

To use the Gauss-Newton method the following Python code can be used.

import phrt_opt

x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.gauss_newton(tm, b)

Symmetric system solver

There are two implemented methods that can be used for solving the Gauss-Netwon system at each iteration:

  • Cholesky solver
x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.gauss_newton(
    tm, b,
  • Conjugate gradient descent solver
x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.gauss_newton(
    tm, b,

Alternating projections

Section 4.5

The equivalent reformulation of the original problem writes

\min_{(x,y)\in\mathbb{C}^n\times\mathbb{C}^m} \frac{1}{2} \|Ax-y\|^2 \;\; \text{such that} \;\; |y| = b.

The algorithm contains two consecutive updates:

y^{(k+1)} &= b\odot\exp\big( i\arg(Ax^{(k)}) \big),\\
x^{(k+1)} &= A^\dag y^{(k+1)},

where $A^\dag$ is a Moore-Penrose inverse.

To use the Gauss-Newton method the following Python code can be used.

import phrt_opt

x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.alternating_projections(tm, b)


Section 4.6

The equivalent reformulation of the original problem writes

\min_{(y,z,\xi)\in\mathbb{C}^m\times\mathbb{C}^m\times\mathbb{C}^m} \frac{1}{2} \|\xi\|^2 \;\;
\text{such that} \;\; y - z = \xi, \; y\in \operatorname{range}(A), \; z\in\mathcal{M}_b,

where then $x = A^\dag y$, $\mathcal{M}_b = \{ z\in\mathbb{C}^m:|z|=b \}$.

The algorithm contains three consecutive updates:

z^{(k+1)} &= b\odot\exp\big( i\arg(y^{(k)} + (1 - \rho^{(k)})) \big),\\
y^{(k+1)} &= AA^\dag z^{(k+1)},\\
\lambda^{(k+1)} &= \frac{1}{1 + \rho^{(k+1)}}\big( \lambda^{(k)} + y^{(k+1) - z^{(k+1)} \big)

where $A^\dag$ is a Moore-Penrose inverse and variable $\xi$ was eliminated and parameter $\rho^{(k)}$ is updated by one of the following strategies: constant, linear, exponential, and auto. The default strategy is set to constant(1.).

import phrt_opt

x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.admm(tm, b)

Strategies for parameter $\rho$

A parameter $\rho^{(k)}$ can be updated by one of the following strategies:

x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.admm(
    tm, b,
x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.admm(
    tm, b,
x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.admm(
    tm, b,
x_hat = phrt_opt.methods.admm(
    tm, b,