
two1 library - OTB

Primary LanguagePython

#two1 library - OTB

  21212121                  212121
  2121212       121212      121212
  212121      21212121      212121
  21212121212121212121      212121
  212121212      12121      212121
  212121         21212     1212121
  212121     212121212121212121212
  212121     212121212121   212121
  212121                    212121
  212121                    212121

Two1 Python3 library + other files 1.0.0 2.0.1 2.3.1 2.3.6 (April 21 2016)

Disclaimer (Original Package metadata)

Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: two1
Version: 1.0.0
Summary: Buy and sell anything on the internet with Bitcoin.
Home-page: https://github.com/21dotco/two1
Author: 21
Author-email: 21@21.co
License: MIT
Description: ``two1``: buy/sell anything on the internet with Bitcoin.
Package: two1
Version: 2.0.1-1
Architecture: all
Maintainer: 21 <21@21.co>
Installed-Size: 840
Depends: python3, python3-arrow, python3-click, python3-pytest, python3-requests, python3-responses, python3-simplejson, python3:any (>= 3.3.2-2~), libpam-systemd, python3-pyaes, python3-base58, python3-jsonrpcclient, python3-jsonrpcserver, python3-path.py, python3-tabulate, python3-sha256, python3-mnemonic, python3-protobuf, python3-funcsigs
Section: python
Priority: optional
Description: Buy and sell anything on the internet with Bitcoin.
 ``two1``: buy/sell anything on the internet with Bitcoin.
Package: two1
Version: 2.3.6-1
Architecture: all
Maintainer: 21 <21@21.co>
Installed-Size: 1040
Depends: python3, python3-arrow, python3-click, python3-pytest, python3-requests, python3-responses, python3-simplejson, python3-yaml, python3:any (>= 3.3.2-2~), libpam-systemd, rng-tools, minerd:armhf (= 0.3.4-1), python3-base58:armhf (= 0.2.2-1), python3-click:armhf (= 4.1-1), python3-funcsigs:armhf (= 0.4-1), python3-jsonrpcclient:armhf (= 2.0.1-1), python3-jsonrpcserver:armhf (= 3.1.1-1), python3-mnemonic:armhf (= 0.13-1), python3-path.py:armhf (= 8.1.2-1), python3-protobuf:armhf (= 3.0.0a3-1), python3-pyaes:armhf (= 1.3.0-1), python3-sha256:armhf (= 0.1-1), python3-tabulate:armhf (= 0.7.5-1), zerotier-one:armhf (= 1.1.4-1)
Section: python
Priority: optional
Description: Buy and sell anything on the internet with Bitcoin.